Wir bieten Inhouse-Schulungen für öffentliche und private Institutionen europaweit an: Erfahren Sie hier mehr!
Als Fachverlag mit Sitz in Berlin veranstaltet der Lexxion Verlag europaweit Konferenzen und Workshops zu verschiedenen Rechtsgebieten. Für den deutschsprachigen Raum bieten wir Fachkonferenzen und Seminare in den Bereichen Abfallrecht, Chemierecht und Umweltrecht allgemein an.
Das englischsprachige Konferenz- und Workshop-Programm umfasst das europäische Beihilferecht, die europäischen Struktur- und Investitionsfonds, das europäische Vergaberecht sowie das europäische Lebensmittelrecht.
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
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März 2025
State Aid Analysis: A Comprehensive Economic Toolbox
This Lexxion Training offers an overview of the core economic tools for assessing State aid cases and examples of their application, namely the Market Economy Investor Principle (MEIP) and the Market Economy Operator Test (MEOT). Learn how these tools, ideated...
State Aid Analysis: A Comprehensive Economic Toolbox
27.03.2025 - 28.03.2025, Online
Hybridseminar, Sprache: deutsch/englisch
Jetzt anmelden Programm herunterladen Internationales Chemikalienrecht
Am 27. Und 28. März 2025 begrüßen wir Sie herzlich zum Hybridseminar Internationales Chemikalienrecht. Wie auch in den Vorjahren beleuchtet das Seminar die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Chemikalienrecht in ausgewählten Industrie-und Handelsländern. Abgerundet werden die Vorträge sowohl durch Beispiele aus der...
Internationales Chemikalienrecht
April 2025
Spring Course: Essentials of State Aid Law and Policy
Improve your State aid knowledge with our hybrid intensive course in Como! Learn the basics of State aid regulations and build your practical ‘toolbox’ for seamless State aid assessment and market-compatible public measures designs. Dive into expert presentations enhanced with...
Spring Course: Essentials of State Aid Law and Policy
03.04.2025 - 04.04.2025, Madrid
Hybrid Workshop, Sprache: Englisch
Jetzt anmelden Programm herunterladen Simplified Cost Options for HOME Funds
Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) are an innovative way of reimbursing grants and repayable assistance that reduces administrative costs and burden. The Common Provisions Regulation for the 2021-2027 programming period has extended the use of SCOs, making it even more important...
Simplified Cost Options for HOME Funds
Spring Seminar: Verifications and Irregularities in EU Funds
The Spring Seminar is designed for professionals involved in the oversight, prevention, detection, and management of fraud associated with EU funds. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of strategies and best practices for addressing the complex challenges in this field....
Spring Seminar: Verifications and Irregularities in EU Funds
Mai 2025
Master Class in Public Procurement: Contract Modifications
This Master Class provides an introduction to contract modification in the field of European public procurement. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the legal framework of contract modification and how it can be used in their procurement processes. The...
Master Class in Public Procurement: Contract Modifications
How to Control and Audit ESI Funds in 2021/2027
The new regulations introduced in the programming period 2021–2027 can be challenging for those dealing with the management of ESI Funds. In order to enable an efficient and reliable control, Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies need to conduct administrative and...
How to Control and Audit ESI Funds in 2021/2027
State Aid: Procedures and Compliance
Join us in Amsterdam for a two-day hybrid training to learn the ins and outs of State Aid procedures. Discover the essential elements of notification, investigation, compatibility, and recovery with engaging discussions and real-world examples. Gain invaluable insights and practical...
State Aid: Procedures and Compliance
An Effective Use of Technical Assistance for Structural Funds
An efficient use of Technical Assistance (TA) is essential to manage ESI-funded projects in the 2021-2027 programming period. This hybrid workshop is designed to provide participants with guidance on topics such as: which costs are eligible in TA, how to...
An Effective Use of Technical Assistance for Structural Funds
EStALI-Workshop: FSR – Public Procurement and State Aid
Join the leading pan-European platform for State aid professionals and benefit from the unique chance to come together in person, discuss the latest developments in EU State aid law, and exchange ideas on how to best address the current challenges....
EStALI-Workshop: FSR – Public Procurement and State Aid
Digitaler Abfallrechtstag
Auch in diesem Jahr werden namhafte Experten auf dem Gebiet des deutschen und europäischen Abfallrechts in fachlich fundierten Vorträgen die zentralen Fragestellungen des Rechtsgebietes vorstellen. Sie beleuchten die neuesten Entwicklungen, berichten über ihre Erfahrungen und zeigen mögliche Handlungs- und Lösungswege...
Digitaler Abfallrechtstag
EStALI Spring Forum
The Brussels Centre for Competition Policy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Faculty of Law of the Universiteit Antwerpen, and Lexxion are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the 2025 EStALI Spring Forum. This prestigious event, which will...
EStALI Spring Forum
Juni 2025
Implementing ERDF, ESF+ and AMIF
This workshop offers an in-depth look at three key EU funding programs: ERDF, ESF+, and AMIF. Designed for professionals in EU fund management, it covers the essential regulatory frameworks, eligibility criteria, and reporting requirements for each fund. Through expert-led discussions...
Implementing ERDF, ESF+ and AMIF
Applying State Aid Rules to Research, Development, and Innovation Projects
Elevate your understanding of State aid rules and ensure your R&D&I projects soar with State aid-compliant support. This Lexxion Training will help you understand what the relevant State aid compliance requirements are and how to correctly apply the GBER and...
Applying State Aid Rules to Research, Development, and Innovation Projects
25.06.2025 - 27.06.2025, Amsterdam
Master Class with On-the-Spot Approach, Sprache: Englisch
Jetzt anmelden Anti-Fraud Game: Port Authority
We are very pleased to present a brand new course led by our anti-fraud expert Jo Kremers. Have you ever wondered how anti-fraud controls are carried out in European harbours? Are you curious to know how port authorities inspect container...
Anti-Fraud Game: Port Authority
State Aid Compliance for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI)
Gain clarity on the challenging balance between ensuring public service provision and avoiding overcompensation and market distortion, considering the diverse interpretations of SGEI across Member States. Don't miss this opportunity to unravel the connection between State Aid and SGEI. Participants...
State Aid Compliance for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI)
Juli 2025
Summer Course: Financial Management of ESI Funds
This Summer Course is designed to give participants a comprehensive understanding of the financial regulations, instruments, procedures, and best practices essential for managing EU funds effectively in the current 2021-2027 programming period. With a mix of lectures, case studies, and...
Summer Course: Financial Management of ESI Funds
Summer Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides
Uncover everything there is to know about State Aid with our key expert Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides! This high-level masterclass provides an expert review of the latest Court rulings and Commission decisions to identify how principles apply to specific situations,...
Summer Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides
August 2025
Summer Course: State Aid – Core Concepts, Principles, Exemptions, and Guidelines
During these four immersive days, share best practices with our experts, engage in interactive case studies, dive into the essentials of State aid regulations, and gain practical tools to assess and design compatible public measures. Don’t miss this opportunity to...
Summer Course: State Aid – Core Concepts, Principles, Exemptions, and Guidelines
September 2025
Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU
Das Online Seminar Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU beleuchtet jedes Jahr die neusten Entwicklungen in den Chemikalienregulierungen in ausgewählten Industrie-und Handelsländern. Unsere Experten zeigen Ihnen welche Meldungs-und Registrierungspflichten Sie in den einzelnen Ländern berücksichtigen müssen und welche regulatorischen und kulturellen Besonderheiten...
Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU
Challenges and Expectations for the Post-2027 EU Funding Period
This hybrid workshop aims to explore the evolving landscape of EU funding beyond 2027, focusing on key challenges and opportunities that will shape the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Participants will engage in discussions on emerging policy priorities, financial instruments,...
Challenges and Expectations for the Post-2027 EU Funding Period
State Aid for Climate Action, Environmental Protection, and Energy Efficiency
Join us in Valencia for an inspiring hybrid Lexxion Training on the State Aid Guidelines for Climate, Environmental Protection, and Energy Efficiency (CEEAG)! Explore the latest revisions and major changes while mastering every aspect through practical examples and a detailed...
State Aid for Climate Action, Environmental Protection, and Energy Efficiency
Oktober 2025
State Aid in the Transport Sector: Policies and Implementation
Our Lexxion Training provides information on the State aid law application to the EU transport sector. Our experts guide you through the most important regulations and decisions and share their experiences in the field. Active participation is highly encouraged to...
State Aid in the Transport Sector: Policies and Implementation
Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation of EU Funds
Monitoring and evaluation are key tasks for a successful management and a transparent implementation of projects financed with ESI Funds. Those in charge of these tasks are therefore in need to keep updated with new rules and tools. How to...
Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation of EU Funds
Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts
State-owned and commercial entities, operating in the utilities sector, such as gas, electric transport, and water firms, are obliged to apply the EU procurement policy when they purchase goods, services and works to pursue an activity in one of these...
Master Class: Public Procurement for Utilities and Concessions Contracts
22.10.2025 - 24.10.2025, Athens
Master Class with On-the-Spot Approach, Sprache: Englisch
Jetzt anmelden Anti-Fraud Game: History and Modernity
All authorities involved in detecting fraud and corruption need to gain the relevant skills and mindset to understand the mind of fraudsters. A rich history can teach us how to understand the fraudsters of the past and, in turn, give...
Anti-Fraud Game: History and Modernity
November 2025
Auditing EU Funds: Conflict of Interest and Transparency Issues
This workshop offers a blend of expert-led sessions and interactive discussions to strengthen participants' skills in ensuring accountability and integrity in fund management. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks governing EU funds, learn how...
Auditing EU Funds: Conflict of Interest and Transparency Issues
Winter Masterclass “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides
This high-level masterclass provides an expert review of the latest Court rulings and Commission decisions to identify how principles apply to specific situations, delineate possible exceptions, and draw the implications for State aid policies. Discuss your case and receive ad...
Winter Masterclass “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides
Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2025
Auf den Berliner Abfallrechtstagen informieren führende Experten des deutschen und europäischen Abfallrechts über aktuelle Entwicklungen und die neueste Rechtsprechung im Kreislaufwirtschaftsrecht. Wie in den Vorjahren erwartet die Teilnehmer auch dieses Mal ein vielseitiges Programm mit zahlreichen interessanten Vorträgen zu den...
Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2025
Resilient Governance: The Need for Reform in EU Public Procurement, State Aid and Structural Funds
This special two-day conference aims to celebrate Lexxion’s 25th anniversary by discussing critical reforms essential to strengthening governance across the European Union. Through panel discussions and expert sessions, we will explore innovative strategies and best practices to enhance efficiency, transparency,...
Resilient Governance: The Need for Reform in EU Public Procurement, State Aid and Structural Funds
19th European Food and Feed Law Conference
Join our annual conference organised under the auspices of the European Food and Feed Law Review, bringing together experts from both public and private sectors. Renowned experts from the European Commission, food industry, private practice and academia will provide you...
19th European Food and Feed Law Conference
Dezember 2025
State Aid: A Thorough Overview from A to Z
Learn the basics of State aid regulations and build your practical 'toolbox' for seamless State aid assessment and market-compatible public measures designs. Dive into expert presentations enhanced with hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and engaging case studies. Participants receive a certificate upon...
State Aid: A Thorough Overview from A to Z
Simplified Cost Options for EU Funds
How can Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) be effectively designed, assessed, and implemented in EU-funded programmes? With their ability to reduce administrative costs and streamline the reimbursement of grants and repayable assistance, SCOs are an innovative tool that has become increasingly...