Inhouse-Seminare: Maßgeschneidert für Ihre Bedürfnisse!

Zusätzlich zu unseren regelmäßigen Veranstaltungen bieten wir interne Schulungen und maßgeschneiderte Studienbesuche bei öffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen in ganz Europa an. Diese Kurse können sich an unserem Standardprogramm orientieren oder gemeinsam mit Ihnen auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten werden.

Unser Expertennetzwerk, bestehend aus Professoren, Experten der Europäischen Kommission und der EU-Mitgliedstaaten sowie weiteren renommierten Fachleuten, steht Ihnen zur Verfügung. Unabhängig davon, ob es sich um eine Inhouse-Schulung oder einen Study Visit handelt, bieten sie gezielte Einblicke und eingehende Analysen, um den spezifischen Bedürfnissen Ihrer Institution gerecht zu werden.

Weitere Details zu unseren Inhouse-Angeboten finden Sie auf der englischsprachigen Website.

Anfragen richten Sie bitte an Camilla Coltorti.

Rückmeldung von Kunden

“I hereby confirm that Lexxion Publisher successfully organised three in-house trainings for the Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus on 30-31 March, 8-9 June and 12-13 June 2023. The three trainings focused on “Anti-Fraud and Corruption” and were chaired by Jo Kremers, Former Seniour Audit Manager in the Ministry of Finance, The Hague, Netherlands. We were absolutely satisfied with the trainings, and we can highly recommend Lexxion Publisher as a professional organiser of in-house trainings. The coordination and communication were prompt and effective. The contract was delivered to the specified requirements and fulfilled all necessary service levels.”

               Stavri Ttofa, Director, Head of Directorate of Financial Control of European Funds, Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus

“Lexxion Publisher successfully organised an in-house training for the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 12-13 October 2023. The training focused on state aid for climate, environmental protection and energy efficiency and was led by Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides (Professor at Maastricht University and the University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training) and Péter Staviczky (State Aid Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union). We were thoroughly satisfied with the training and can confidently recommend Lexxion Publisher as a professional organser of in-house trainings. The contract met all specified requirements and service levels, and their coordination and communication were prompt and efficient.”

               Galina Simeonova, General Director of the General Directorate Operational Programme Environment and Head of the Managing Authority of Operational Programme Environment 2014-2020 and 2021-2027, Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria

“Lexxion tailor made an in-house state aid training session for Finance Wales plc which took place in Cardiff in February 2014, delivered by Professor Phedon Nicolaides. By tailoring the course to the specific needs of Finance Wales plc it not only provided an opportunity to refresh participants’ knowledge and understanding of state aid matters, it also engaged colleagues from across the organisation in discussing the impact of new state aid developments on the business. I would strongly recommend Lexxion for state aid training.”

               Judi Oates, Group Compliance Officer, Development Bank of Wales

“Lexxion carried out three two-day tailor-made workshops in the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands in Malta in October 2022 and January 2023. The three workshops covered the basics of anti-fraud and -corruption and were conducted by Mr Jo Kremers, Former Senior Audit Manager, Audit Authority EU Funds, Ministry of Finance, The Hague. The contracting authority was very satisfied with the quality of the training given as well as the management of the logistics. All the requirements in the contract were successfully fulfilled.”

               Matthew Cassar, Director Corporate Services, OPM (EES), Government of Malta