Europäisches Beihilfenrecht Blog

State Aid Uncovered Blog

In Lexxions Blog „State Aid Uncovered” veröffentlicht Prof. Phedon Nicolaides wöchentlich kritische Analysen zu den neuesten Urteilen und Entscheidungen zu staatlichen Beihilfen. Jeder Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten Punkte eines Gerichtsurteils oder einer EU-Kommissionsentscheidung vor, ordnet sie in den Kontext ähnlicher Rechtsprechung oder Praxis ein, bewertet die zugrundeliegende Argumentation und zeigt etwaige Ungereimtheiten oder Widersprüche auf.

In loser Folge werden auf diesem Blog auch Gastbeiträge von anderen Experten für staatliche Beihilfen veröffentlicht, welche die Inhalte der Blogbeiträge ergänzen.

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Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

State Aid on the Day after the Exit of the UK from the EU

The UK will “take back control” over State aid. With it will come the challenge of following EU law and practice. Introduction Last June I wrote an article on how the withdrawal of the UK from the EU could affect the application of State aid rules in the UK. The article concluded with the following prediction. “The UK will soon […]

Court’s Diary – April 2017

Find below the court’s diary for all State aid cases this month. Would you like to write a comment on one of them? Please don’t hesitate and get in touch with us ([email protected]), we are happy to publish your comment on the blog.   Thursday 06/04/2017 Order in case T-101/16 – Klausner Holz Niedersachsen GmbH v European Commission (General Court – Second […]

Altmark Requires Efficiency; Article 106(2) TFEU Does Not!

The provider of a service of general economic interest does not have to be more efficient than the “typical undertaking” in its sector.   Introduction   On 8 March 2017, the Court of Justice rendered its judgment in case C‑660/15 P Viasat Broadcasting v European Commission.[1] Viasat Broadcasting appealed against the judgment of the General Court of 24 September 2015 in […]

Support for Illiquid but Solvent Banks

State aid may be granted to solvent banks which face temporary liquidity difficulties.   Introduction State aid rules have their own logic and are applied independently of other policy areas. However, in certain situations, the Commission enforces State aid rules in conjunction with linked provisions in other fields. A typical example is taxes levied on agricultural products to raise revenue […]

PART II: Ex Ante Assessment and Ex Post Evaluation of Risk Finance Measures

A well-designed State aid measure is preceded by a rigorous ex ante study that identifies market failure. The objectives of a well-designed measure address directly the nature and magnitude of the identified market failure. Read PART I: Ex Ante Assessment and Ex Post Evaluation of Risk Finance Measures from 7 March 2017. Ex Post Evaluation Plan Ex post evaluation focuses on i) […]

State Aid is on the Agenda: Deal or No Deal

With great pleasure we welcome again Professor Erika Szyszczak to our blog. Erika is a Research Professor in Law and a Fellow of the UK Trade Policy Observatory. She is currently the Special Adviser to the House of Lords Internal Market Sub-Committee in respect of its inquiry into Brexit: competition. She is the author of The Regulation of the State […]

PART I: Ex Ante Assessment and Ex Post Evaluation of Risk Finance Measures

A well-designed State aid measure is preceded by a rigorous ex ante study that identifies market failure. The objectives of a well-designed measure address directly the nature and magnitude of the identified market failure.   Introduction The European Commission has approved, with decision SA.40991, amendments to two existing aid measures: Enterprise Investment Scheme [EIS] and Venture Capital Trust [VCT] in […]

Court’s Diary – March 2017

Find below the court’s diary for all State aid cases this month. Would you like to write a comment on one of them? Please don’t hesitate and get in touch with us ([email protected]), we are happy to publish your comment on the blog.   Wednesday 01/03/2017Judgment in Case T-167/14 – France v Commission (General Court – Sixth Chamber)Judgment in Case T-454/13 – SNCM v […]

State Aid for R&D: What Is Research?

Adapting know-how for the needs of clients is not research. Aid for projects for which there is no demand is not in the common interest.   Introduction The purpose of research is to discover something new. But what is often difficult to define for public authorities that wish to stimulate more research activities is how new must be the outcome […]

State Aid for R&D: How Intermediaries Pass on Aid to Third Parties

Operators of research infrastructure do not benefit from State aid, if they fully pass on the aid to the users of the infrastructure. The amount of aid must be quantified. Introduction The beneficiaries of State aid to support R&D are normally those who carry out research. However, in the case of aid to research infrastructure there may be two categories […]

New Video: Which types of State aid are compatible with the internal market?

What is State aid? Why do I need to be concerned about State aid? These and many more basic questions will be answered in our videos on YouTube. Make sure to visit us!   Last week Phedon Nicolaides gave examples of „good aid“. Today he explains which types of State aid are compatible with the internal market, such as environmental aid, regional development […]

State Aid to Electricity Intensive Users

The risk of relocation outside the EU is not accepted as a justification for the granting of State aid.   Introduction The European Commission has had to assess many measures of State aid to producers of electricity from renewable energy sources [RES producers or “green” electricity producers] and to intensive users of electricity [EIUs]. The former have benefitted from investment […]

New Video: When Is State Aid Allowed and What Is „Good Aid“?

What is State aid? Why do I need to be concerned about State aid? These and many more basic questions will be answered in our videos on YouTube. Make sure to visit us!   Last week Phedon Nicolaides gave „Practical Examples of State aid“, today he addresses the question „What type of aid is allowed?“. This aid is called „good aid“. […]

State Aid Modernisation: First Results

There has been an impressive increase in the use of the General Block Exemption Regulation. However, Member States still notify measures which are acknowledged by the Commission with “comfort letters”.   Introduction[1] In May 2012, the European Commission launched its State Aid Modernisation [SAM] initiative. After two years of consultations with the Member States, a set of new State aid […]

New Video: Practical Examples of State Aid

What is State aid? Why do I need to be concerned about State aid? These and many more basic questions will be answered in our videos on YouTube. Make sure to visit us!   After answering the question “Who can grant State aid?” last week, Phedon Nicolaides today gives you some practical examples of State aid such as subsidies by public authorities, […]

PART II: Combining Infrastructure Aid with SGEI Aid

After the spontaneous words on Brexit and State aid last week, I continue with the 2nd part of the post on infrastructure and SGEI today. A provider of services of general economic interest may receive both investment aid and compensation for the extra costs of public service obligations.   Part II: SGEI[1] Member States are free to determine the services […]

New Video: Who Can Grant State Aid?

What is State aid? Why do I need to be concerned about State aid? These and many more basic questions will be answered in our videos on YouTube. Make sure to visit us!   After answering the question “What is State aid?” in his last video, Phedon Nicolaides today speaks about “Who can grant State aid?”. Watch the video, comment and subscribe to […]

Brexit and State Aid: The Day After

The second part of the Lithuanian measure on the LNG terminal was scheduled to be published this week. In view of the referendum in favour of exit of the UK from the EU, the second part of the Lithuanian measure will be published next week. Instead, this week the focus is on the impact of Brexit on State aid. Introduction […]

New Video: What is State aid?

What is State aid? Why do I need to be concerned about State aid? These and many more basic questions will be answered in our videos on YouTube. Make sure to visit us!   Today Phedon Nicolaides answers the question “What is State aid?”, explaining the four criteria by case law & treaty. View now, comment and subscribe to our […]

PART I: Combining Infrastructure Aid with SGEI Aid

A provider of services of general economic interest may receive both investment aid and compensation for the extra costs of public service obligations.   Introduction Governments normally support large infrastructural projects through guarantees. This is because such projects have a long life, the initial investment costs are very high and the recoupment of investment takes place over a long period […]

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