Wouter Stolwijk
Former Director, PIANOo – the Dutch Public Procurement Expertise Centre, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Den Haag
Wouter Stolwijk studied political sciences. From 2006 till 2016 he was director of PIANOo, the Dutch expertise centre for Public Procurement. PIANOo is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. PIANOo has shifted the focus from the legal aspects of public procurement to the economic aspects: procurement is economic by nature, but dominated by law and lawyers. He chaired the jury of the Public Procurement of Innovation Award of the EC in 2015. From 2012 to 2018 he was member of the Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement of the EC. He is a Gateway Reviewer and Reviewteamleader in the Dutch Government. Before PIANOo Wouter Stolwijk was among others director of The Netherlands School of Government and he spent a many years in patents and in government accountancy. From April 2019 he left the Dutch Civil Service. He continues to work in the area of public procurement as a consultant.