Stanislaw Bienias
President of IDEA Institute Ltd. and former Head of the National Evaluation Unit of the Polish Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw
Since 2004, Stanislaw Bienias has been working in the Polish Ministry of Regional Development in the National Evaluation Unit. He became Head of this unit in 2006.
He was responsible for organizing the process of evaluation for the National Development Plan 2004-2006 and the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 and negotiation of regulations for 2014-2020 (evaluation, monitoring & indicators). Stanislaw was responsible for coordination of more than 50 evaluation units located on OP and intermediate body level. He took part in preparation of more than 100 evaluation researches on regional, national and international level. In the field of evaluation Stanislaw successfully cooperated with OECD, World Bank and UNDP. He was organizer and speaker on dozens of national and international conferences. Stanislaw was representing Poland on the DG Regio Evaluation Network and was one of the Polish experts in ESF Evaluation Partnership Meetings. He was also one of the animators of Visegrad Countries cooperation in the field of evaluation and analysis.
He gives lectures concerning evaluation, monitoring and indicators in Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw University and European Academy in Berlin. He is an author of numerous publications in the field of evaluation and public policies.
Since 2013 he has decided to continue his mission within non-for-profit organization Foundation IDEA for Development and in 2016 he became a President of IDEA Institute Lld. – company cooperating with the Foundation.
Key expert of the Foundation in the following areas: evaluation, monitoring, indicators, evidence-based & result oriented policy, research, capacity building of public administration, construction of civil society.