Paul Sheridan
Director of Corporate Services, Special EU Programmes Body, Belfast
Paul is Director of Corporate Services and Head of the Certifying Authority of the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) a cross border body working to the Government of Ireland and the Northern Ireland Assembly. He is currently responsible for the financial management and compliance of the PEACE IV and INTERREG VA programmes, totalling in excess of €0.5 billion. The Peace programme represents a unique investment by the European Union in support of the peace process, and both Programmes support the development of a more sustainable and prosperous cross-border region, across Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland.
He has considerable experience with the development of systems and controls relating to procurement, grant payments and irregularity handling as the Head of the Certifying Authority within the SEUPB and the Financial Controller for those projects based in Northern Ireland involved with the Transnational and Inter-Regional Programmes (North West Europe, Northern Periphery and Arctic).
Before he joined the SEUPB, Paul was Acting Director of Finance for National Museums Northern Ireland. Prior to this Paul spent several years as a Management Consultant for KPMG and PA Consulting, carrying out Value-For-Money Audits, Financial Assessment and developing Outline Business Cases for public sector organisations. Gaining extensive knowledge of managing PEACE funds through his time spent with Belfast City Council, Paul is industry trained and a member of CIMA.