Dr. Volker Soballa - 20200928 Nikelowski 2722 scaled

Dr. Volker Soballa

Evonik, Essen

Dr. rer. nat. Volker J. Soballa finished his studies in Food Chemistry and Toxicology at Technical University of Berlin in 1993.
After his exam, he started his career at the Institute of Toxicology of the GSF-Research Centre, Neuherberg/Munich, Germany.
Finalising his Thesis in 1997 (at Prof. H. Greim), he became Post-Doc at the Institute for Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene at Technical University of
Munich, Germany.

In 1999, Volker Soballa joined SKW Trostberg AG as „Regulatory Affairs Officer and Toxicologist” in the Product Safety/Toxicology Department.
In 2003, he changed position to ESHQ-Department of Corporate Centre of Degussa AG, Düsseldorf. There, he was coordinating and supervising the worldwide
implementation of the Degussa-specific Product Stewardship program „Chemicals Management System“.

Since 2011, Volker J. Soballa is Head of Global Product Stewardship in the Corporate Centre of Evonik Industries AG, Essen, Germany.
Volker J. Soballa is chair of VCI working group “REACH Implementation”. He is also chair of german BDI working group “Substance policy”.
He is member of ECETOC Board. He is member of several working groups at Cefic and ICCA.

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