Dr. Thomas Sendor
Regulatory Affairs Consultant, Ramboll Deutschland GmbH, München
Dr Thomas Sendor is a biologist with more than 20 years’ experience in regulatory support for chemicals regulated under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), REACH, and the Plant Protection Products Regulation. He specializes in environmental and human health risk assessment of chemical substances. Thomas has provided technical and strategic advice to manufacturers of substances and products. He has assisted companies in preparing regulatory dossiers, covering all stages from data gap analysis and development of testing programmes, to full dossier preparation. This comprised, among others, QSAR calculations, development of read-across concepts, efficacy assessment, human and environmental exposure assessments and risk characterisations according to BPD, PPPD and REACH requirements, classification and labelling, and review of (extended) safety data sheets. Thomas has additional expertise in biodiversity and wildlife conservation with a focus on bats and birds in the context of environmental impact assessment. Thomas holds a Dr. rer. nat. in Biology (Zoology) and a diploma in Biology from Philips University, Marburg.