Issue 4/2024 of the European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL) is now available! In the articles section you can read about: Between Data Protection and AI: Civil Liability for Non-Material Damage in Article 82 GDPR, Navigating Privacy Issues in Gathering Training Data for AI: A Case Study of Google and Zoom and The Access of US Intelligence Agencies, Transfers of Personal Data and the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework.
The reports section brings updates on:
- EU: New EDPB Guidance Expands the Technical Scope of Article 5(3) ePrivacy Directive to Many Standard Tracking Technologies
- Belgium: AI under the Microscope of the GDPR: The Belgian Data Protection Authority Deciphers the Challenges of Data Protection in the Development and Use of AI
- Germany: Landmark Decision by Germany’s Highest Civil Court in the Facebook Scraping Case: Little Strokes Might Fell Big Oaks, Too
EDPL 4/2024 includes case notes on the following judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU:
Finally, find a book review of Damian Clifford’s Data Protection Law and Emotion.
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