Issue 4 of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review – CoRe is now online!
The Editorial is authored by Ben Van Rompuy.
This issue features the following Articles:
- Sustainability Agreements in Light of the European Commission’s Horizontal Guidelines: The Path Towards Greening Competition Enforcement by Joana Fraga Nunes
- Assessment of the Context in Determination of By Object Restrictions – How Deep to Go? by Mária T. Patakyová
- Belgium ∙ Advice of the Belgian Competition Authority on Legal Price Fixing Measures in Favour of the Agricultural Sector: A Renewed Balance between Agricultural Policy and Competition Rules? by Jeroen Dewispelaere, Rasmus Van Heddeghem
- Czech Republic ∙ Czech Competition Authority Looking for New Powers by Michal Petr
- Norway ∙ Yet Another Loss for the Norwegian Competition Authority – Standalone Information Exchange Between Publishers Was Not A By Object Restriction by Haakon Rønn Stensæth
- Slovakia ∙ Increasing Scrutiny of Anticompetitive Agreements in Employment Law: The Slovak Antimonopoly Office’s Approach by Peter Hodál, Miriam Mojžišová
Case Notes:
- Case C-671/15 French Endives Case: Further Clarifications on the Interplay between Common Agricultural Policy and Competition Law in the EU by Andrés Borja Alcaraz Riaño
- Case C-298/22 The Portuguese Banco Preliminary Ruling: ‘Standalone’ Information Exchange as a Restriction of Competition by Object? by Martin Gassler
- Joined Cases C‑611/22 P and C‑625/22 P – Illumina/Grail: The Continued Search for the Panacea to the Killer Acquisition Conundrum by Chris Grech
- Self-Preferencing as a New Theory of Harm: the CJEU’s Confirmation in Google Shopping by Anush Ganesh, Gaurav Pathak
- Predatory Pricing in High-Tech Markets: Lessons from the General Court’s Qualcomm Judgment by Anush Ganesh, Mohit Yadav
The issue also includes a Book Review by Minh Dang
Sie möchten einen Beitrag einreichen oder zur Weiterentwicklung der CoRe beitragen? Dann nutzen Sie unseren Call for Papers (englischsprachig). Weitere Details zur CoRe finden Sie auf der englischsprachigen Website.
Call for Case Notes
The editorial team of CoRe welcomes case note submissions on the following judgments and decisions:
- C-606/23 Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp et KIA Auto
- C-588/23 Scai
- C-547/23 P Região Autónoma da Madeira v Commission
- C-511/23 Caronte & Tourist
- C-490/23 P Neos v Ryanair & Commission
- C-264/23 & (Germany)
- C-253/23 ASG 2
- C-233/23 Alphabet
- C-70/23 P Westfälische Drahtindustrie a.o. v Commission
- C-31/23 P Ferriere Nord v Commission
- C-29/23 P Ferriera Valsabbia et Valsabbia Investimenti v Commission
- C-16/23 FA.RO. di YK & C.
- C-650/22 FIFA
- C-255/22 P Orlen v Commission
- C-240/22 P Commission v Intel Corporation
- C-605/21 Heureka Group
- C-176/19 P Commission v Servier
- C-201/19 P Servier a.o. v Commission
- T-589/22 Silgan Holdings e.a. v Commission
- T-587/22 Crown Holdings et Crown Cork & Seal Deutschland v Commission
- T-181/22 Pharol v Commission
- T-59/22 Conserve Italia et Conserves France v Commission
- T-561/21 HSBC Holdings a.o. v Commission
- T-386/21 Crédit agricole et Crédit agricole Corporate & Investment Bank v Commission
- T-692/20 Iliad Italia v Commission
- T-64/20 Deutsche Telekom v Commission
See further cases in the full Call for Case Notes.