ICRL – International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review - ICRL Logo e1702559331309
  • Publication frequency 1 to 4 times annually (Open Access)
  • approx. 40 pages
  • ISSN 2566-834X
  • eISSN 2566-8412
  • Language: English

About ICRL – International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review

Chemicals have a significant impact on our way of life and the global economy Accordingly, safe chemical management is essential in avoiding risks to human health and international trade. To provide a forum which will enable practitioners, regulators, policy makers and academics to discuss the most pressing issues in this field – in Europe and key jurisdictions around the world – Lexxion has created the International Chemical Regulatory Law Review (ICRL). ICRL is an Open Access journal.

ICRL's Editors

Managing Editor

Dieter Drohmann, Chemservice, Worms, Germany

Editorial Board

Michael Cleuvers, Dr. Knoell Consult, Mannheim, Germany
E. Donald Elliott, Yale Law School, New Haven, USA
Ahmet Ecmel Yorganci, REACH Global Services, Brussels, Belgium
Andrew Fasey, Mayer Brown, Brussels, Belgium
Kristian Fischer, SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz, Mannheim, Germany
Lawrie McLaren, BCW Global, Brussels, Belgium
Jean-Philipp Montfort, Mayer Brown, Brussels, Belgium
Eléonore Mullier, Steptoe & Johnson, Brussels, Belgium
Michael Raupach, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Tade Spranger, Center for Life Sciences & Law, University Bonn; Rittershaus, Mannheim, Germany
Tobias Schulz, Berlin, Germany
Volker Soballa, Evonik Industries, Essen, Germany
Gooh Choo Ta, National University of Malaysia


Country Correspondents

South Korea Jae-Seong Choi, Chemservice Asia
China Yue Huang, Guangzhou University
North America Lynn L. Bergeson,  Bergeson & Campbell PC

Executive Editor

Olive Casey, Lexxion Publisher, Berlin, Germany

Aims & Scope of ICRL

The quarterly journal addresses everyone who is concerned with EU REACH, chemical law and policy issues such as legal practitioners in national and international law firms offering their services to businesses in the EU and globally, government officials working in public administrations and other relevant policy-making and enforcement bodies, academics (in the field of law, biology, biochemists, chemists and pharmacists and other relevant research fields),  legal experts and judges in domestic, European and international courts as well as consultancies and business professionals.

ICRL reports on, inter alia:

  • Chemical law (regional, national, international);
  • Chemical regulation
  • The ECHA Board of Appeal
  • Commission decisions (ECHA opinions);
  • European and global Jurisprudence;
  • Regulation on crop protection;
  • Biocide law;
  • Transport law for hazardous materials;
  • Patents/Trademarks;
  • Licences;
  • Chemical registration

All articles will be subject to double blind peer-review before acceptance for publication and are required to conform to the author guidelines available.

ICRL's Target Audience

The quarterly journal addresses everyone who is concerned with chemical law and policy issues. Academics in the field of chemical law, biologists, biochemists, chemists and pharmacists may be particularly interested, while Government officials, as well as regulatory experts, working in public administrations and other relevant policy-making and enforcement bodies, will also find ICRL to be highly relevant to their work.

ICRL's Structure

ICRL will comprise of on in-depth lead articles as well as more concise reports on recent regulatory and legislative developments in the field.

ICRL's Indexing & Abstract Databases


Ex Libris Primo Central

Google Scholar



Strada Lex

CNPIEC (China National Publications Import and Export)

Advertising & Partnerships

All advertisement prices are valid from January 2024. Please provide the advert in a PDF/X-1a format +3 mm bleed (without crop marks).

Print run: 500

Format: 207 mm width x 277 mm depth; adhesive binding

Schedule 2025

Issue Date of Publication Advertising Deadline
ICRL 1/2025 28.03.2025 02.03.2025
ICRL 2/2025 25.07.2025 30.06.2025
ICRL 3/2025 21.11.2025 27.10.2025
ICRL 4/2025

** Insert size 200 x 270 mm or smaller, or already folded.

Inserts/Supplements have to be delivered at least one week prior to publication date. Delivery address:

Schaltungsdienst Lange oHG
z.Hd. Fr. Schulz, Beilage ICRL Heft _/2025 (Please state issue number.)
Zehrensdorfer Straße 11
12277 Berlin · Germany


For Authors

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