Online Seminar |
18.01.2021 |
Sprache: Englisch

The New Competition Tool of the EU in Practice

The New Competition Tool of the EU in Practice - CoRe 3751 The New Competition Tool 1

This online seminar includes a 360-degree view of the European Commission’s New Competition Tool (NCT). Experts from the public and private sectors will provide exclusive insights into the NCT’s practice and discuss the tool in panel from a macro to a micro perspective.

Are we going to see a shift in EU competition rules for the digital market? A New Competition Tool (NCT) can have a major impact on global enterprises and their European competitors. Will a reform in European Competition Law and ex ante regulations strike the right balance and guarantee both a level playing field and a Europe that’s open for business? You will receive the answer to this question in our online seminar. Right after the publication of the NCT proposal of the European Commissionon you can discuss and exchange ideas with our experts. Do not miss this unique opportunity.

Join from wherever you are – high-quality content delivered to your (home) office. Please check your device compatibility to be ready to attend the online course. This is your first online course with Lexxion? Don’t worry, here’s a quick guide.

Starting from € 340,- (excl. VAT)

Falls Sie Fragen zu unseren vergangenen oder zukünftigen Veranstaltungen haben sollten, kontaktieren Sie uns unter [email protected].



The existing enforcement gap on the digital market should be closed with the New Competition Tool, which will complement ex ante regulations. This online seminar aims to analyze the NCT from a macro to a micro perspective and provides exclusive insights on the NCT in practice. Discuss and exchange with our experts directly on the proposal on NCT of the European Commission.

Following topics are on the agenda:

  • Practical Experience from the UK
  • Institutional and procedural set-up
  • Interplay with antitrust enforcement and sector-specific regulations

Who should participate?

  • Private legal practitioners
  • Representatives from National Competition Authorities
  • Representatives from public authorities dealing with competition law
  • Representatives from national courts
  • Industry representatives and in-house counsels dealing with competition law
  • Economists
  • Academics

Bigmarker is our interactive online course platform. In order to join our online course, please check your device compatibility first.

What do you need in order to join the online course?

  • Speakers, Microphone; Camera is possible, if you would like to be seen during the online course.
  • A wired connection is strongly recommended.
  • If your internet connection doesn´t work, you can join the online course by telephone, using a dial-in number. In this case there might be additional telephone costs.

How to join the online course?

  • Choose the computer from which you would like to follow the online course.
  • Please check your device compatibility.
  • As soon as you get the invitation link: Please register for the online course by clicking the invitation link.
  • 15 minutes before the online course: Bring your headphones, click the invitation link, enter and enjoy the online course!

Minimum system requirements are as follows:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later; Mac OS X 10.12 or later, Linux.
  • Browser: The most recently-published versions of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Opera.
  • High-speed internet: A consistent, high-speed connection is required. Mobile tethering, hotspots, slow or inconsistent public Wi-Fi networks may create latency when using video conferencing.


Why do I need to register before the online course starts?
Thank you for registering! This not only helps us to communicate with you in regard to technical issues but it helps you to network with your fellow online course participants.

Will the online course be recorded?
Please ask the responsible event manager.

Do I need a camera?
It is recommended to have a camera for more comfortable communication with the speakers and other participants.

Do I need a microphone?
Since this is an interactive online course, yes.

Do I need to install anything?
No. We expect you to have a browser.

Can I ask questions during the online course?
Yes, you can ask your questions live by using your microphone. You can speak to all participants at the same time as you may have experienced in Skype.

When can I enter the online course I’m attending?
15 minutes before the start. You only can enter if you have passed the system check.

May I leave the online course and come back later?
Yes, just log in at a later time during the online course.

May I access via Phone?
Yes, you can. Participating via phone means you can listen only. Please keep in mind that you will be dialing a US number which would result in higher telephone costs.

Can’t find invitation?
Please check your spam-folder. You should also ask your colleague from the IT department to ‘whitelist’ us. For more details please ask the corresponding event manager, who will be happy to help you.

I failed the Firewall System Check – what can I do?
Please contact your IT department and have them open the necessary ports, which can be found here.

What are the detailed System requirements?
All requirements can be found here.

I failed the Audio Output System Test – what can I do?
If you are using headphones or external speakers, try unplugging them. Please unmute your device. Test your speakers here to find out if they work.

I would like to participate but I’m waiting for an approval. Can I order a ticket on the day of the online course?
Sure. Please message [email protected]. We need to have a separate testing before the start of the online course.

My email address has changed – can I still participate?
Sure. Please provide us with your updated email adress; you will then receive a new invitation.

How do I contact the host of the online course?
Please contact [email protected].

November 2025
27.11.2025 - 28.11.2025, Berlin
Conference, Sprache: Englisch

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