Europäisches Beihilfenrecht
Lexxion Training Hybrid |
10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024 |
Málaga |
Sprache: Englisch

State Aid Requirements for SGEI

State Aid Requirements for SGEI - Pictures Events 2023 76

Unravel the connection between State aid and services of general economic interest (SGEI)! Join us for an enlightening two-day hybrid training, where our experts will address all your burning questions. Gain clarity on the challenging balance between ensuring public service provision and avoiding overcompensation and market distortion, considering the diverse interpretations of SGEI across Member States. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding!

Participants receive a certificate upon participation.

Starting from € 1.090,- (excl. VAT)

+++ Register before 15 August 2024 to avail of our 10% early bird discount! +++

+++ Group discounts are available! More under Details +++



Who should participate?

  • State Aid Monitoring Offices in the Member States
  • National Ministries and Agencies involved in the regulation and provision of public services, such as: Ministries for:
    • Social Affairs
    • Health
    • Transport
    • Infrastructure
    • Telecommunication
    • Economy and Energy
  • Regional and Communal Governments and City Councils concerned with the provision of social services, health care, public transportation, energy and water supply, waste management and of other public services
  • Companies providing public services both on national and local level
  • Lawyers and consultants specialised in public affairs


A Lexxion Training provides you with a comprehensive overview of the current State aid control system in various sectors. Presentations, practical exercises, and group work enable you to apply guidelines in the field.

The training is conducted by renowned experts from EU and Member States’ institutions, academia, diplomacy, and leading law firms and consultancies.

To ensure that you get the best possible understanding of the topics at hand, our Lexxion Training sessions combine theoretical presentations, analyses of case studies and highly interactive discussions on practical issues. You will have ample opportunities to present your issues and exchange information and experiences with speakers and participants from other Member States.

Training materials will be available for download after the event.

Course Material – No need to miss anything!

If you are unable to attend the course you may want to order all the presentations shown during the event. The price is € 249,- (excl. of VAT). If interested, please contact Camilla Coltorti.

Group Discounts

Group registration of three or more participants will automatically receive a 10% discount.

We offer a 15% discount for groups of four and a 20% discount for groups of five participants. To take advantage of these discounts, please contact Camilla Coltorti at or call us at +49 (030)81 45 06 17. We will be happy to assist you with your group registration.


Tag 1: Donnerstag, 10. Oktober

Phedon Nicolaides Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Registration and Welcome Coffee


Welcome Words & Introduction Round


Provisions on SGEI in the TFEU

  • What is SGEI and how it may differ from a service of general interest
  • Treaty provisions on services
  • Treaty provisions on SGEI
Phedon Nicolaides Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Coffee Break


Recent Developments on SGEI in the Case Law

  • The discretion of Member State to define SGEI
  • Manifest error and correct definition of SGEI
  • The extent of the scope of the SGEI
Phedon Nicolaides Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Lunch Break


The Commission Communication & Altmark Conditions

  • Guidance on whether support constitutes state aid
  • Elements of the notion of aid: undertaking, state resources, advantage, selectivity,
  • effect on trade and distortion of competition
  • The four Altmark conditions: Entrustment act, parameters of compensation, no overcompensation, efficiency
Alessandra Franchi Case Handler: European Commission, DG Competition, State aid General Scrutiny and Enforcement – Unit H6 Agriculture and Fisheries

Coffee Break


The SGEI de minimis Regulation

  • Basic principles and formalities
  • De minimis and other rules
Alessandra Franchi Case Handler: European Commission, DG Competition, State aid General Scrutiny and Enforcement – Unit H6 Agriculture and Fisheries

The SGEI Framework

  • Rules for compensation and efficiency incentives
  • In-depth assessment
Alessandra Franchi Case Handler: European Commission, DG Competition, State aid General Scrutiny and Enforcement – Unit H6 Agriculture and Fisheries

Concluding Remarks & End of Day 1

Tag 2: Freitag, 11. Oktober

Phedon Nicolaides Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Case Studies on the Calculation of the Public Service Compensation

  • SGEI definition in relation to what the market does not supply
  • Identifying eligible costs
  • Different methodologies: full cost allocation vs net avoidable cost
  • Numerical example of compensation, incl. reasonable profit
Phedon Nicolaides Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Coffee Break


Case Study on Social Housing: Correct Definition of Public Service

  • Obligations and Avoidance of Overcompensation
Caroline Buts
Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Managing Editor EStAL


Lunch Break


Notification of SGEI Aid: Challenges and Pitfalls

Péter Staviczky
State Aid Attaché, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Brussels


Short Coffee Break


Case Study on SGEI in the Postal Sector: Examples from Various EU Member States

Péter Staviczky
State Aid Attaché, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Brussels


Concluding Remarks & End of the Hybrid Training


Phedon Nicolaides
Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Mehr Informationen
Alessandra Franchi
Case Handler: European Commission, DG Competition, State aid General Scrutiny and Enforcement – Unit H6 Agriculture and Fisheries

Mehr Informationen
Caroline Buts
Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Managing Editor EStAL

Mehr Informationen
Péter Staviczky
State Aid Attaché, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Brussels

Mehr Informationen


Exclusive Venue in the Centre of Málaga

Málaga, Spanien


Lexxion Training Hybrid | 10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024 | Málaga | Sprache: Englisch

Participation fees for participation in Málaga:
Reduced fee for public authorities and full-time academics: € 1.460,- (excl. VAT)
Regular fee: € 1.760,- (excl. VAT)

Participation fees for online participation:
Reduced fee for public authorities and full-time academics: € 1.090,- (excl. VAT)
Regular fee: € 1.390,- (excl. VAT)

Discount for European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL) subscribers: € 150,-

+++ Register before 15 August 2024 to avail of our 10% early bird discount! +++

+++ Group discounts are available! More under Details +++

VAT will be added if applicable.

Seating limit
The number of participants in Málaga is limited.

Please contact if you have technical problems with the booking. 

Where do you want to participate?


Ticket Type Price Spaces
Early Bird / Frühbucherrabatt | State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Malaga
Reduced fee for public authorities / Reduzierter Preis für Angehörige einer Hochschule/Behörde
Early Bird / Frühbucherrabatt | State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Malaga
Regular fee / Regulärer Preis
State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Malaga
Reduced fee for public authorities / Reduzierter Preis für Angehörige einer Hochschule/Behörde
€1.460,00 N/A
State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Malaga
Regular fee / Regulärer Preis
€1.760,00 N/A
Early Bird / Frühbucherrabatt | State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Online
Reduced fee for public authorities / Reduzierter Preis für Angehörige einer Hochschule/Behörde
Early Bird / Frühbucherrabatt | State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Online
Regular fee / Regulärer Preis
State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Online
Reduced fee for public authorities / Reduzierter Preis für Angehörige einer Hochschule/Behörde
€1.090,00 N/A
State Aid Requirements for SGEI | Online
Regular fee / Regulärer Preis
€1.390,00 N/A

Registration Information


Booking Summary

Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.

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