Vergaberecht und PPP
Online-Forum |
07.02.2024 |
Online |
Sprache: Englisch

3rd Annual Public Procurement Council

3rd Annual Public Procurement Council - Pictures Events 2023 38

For the third time we are giving the floor to the board members of the European Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Journal, who are thought leaders in European Public Procurement Law for decades.

In three different presentations our experts provide you with in-depth knowledge in the theory and practice and moreover discuss the most recent cases with you.

Participants can take advantage of the high-level expertise and exchange views with our experts.

This free online session offers a deep dive into the most recent developments in the field of Public Procurement. Do not miss this unique opportunity and join us for the 3rd Annual Public Procurement Council.

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Who Should Participate?

Procurement officers, anti-fraud and corruption officers, internal and external auditors, public officials responsible for the prevention of fraud and corruption as well as for risk assessment and risk management from the following institutions:

  • Public Authorities on EU, national and regional level
  • Courts of auditors on national and regional level
  • National and international agencies in charge of regional development and economic cooperation
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • Consulting companies and legal practitioners
  • Academic institutions

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