Vergaberecht und PPP
Master Class |
13.06.2023 - 14.06.2023 |
Roma |
Sprache: Englisch

Master Class in Public Procurement: Negotiations & the Competitive Dialogue

Master Class in Public Procurement: Negotiations & the Competitive Dialogue - Pictures Events 202335

With the EU public procurement directive more freedom to negotiate is encouraged, as such the use of the competitive dialogue and the competitive procedure with negotiation – as opposed to the “standard” open and restricted procedures –have been strengthened. These procedures provide a number of benefits for the purchasing of complex and innovative goods and services that go beyond off the shelf purchasing: They enable the purchasing of tailor-made solutions, provide a better pricing discipline, and allow for a better communication between the contracting authorities and bidders. This Master Class will equip public authorities facing such complex contracts with a proper set of negotiation skills and strategies to receive the best value for money. Given the greater flexibility and complexity, the competitive procedures may have a negative impact on the procurement costs and time. Therefore, we will pay a special attention to the potential risks of fraud and corruption.

Starting from € 2.010,- (excl. VAT)

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Who Should Participate?

Procurement officers, anti-fraud and corruption officers, internal and external auditors, public officials responsible for the prevention of fraud and corruption as well as for risk assessment and risk management from the following institutions:

  • Public Authorities on EU, national and regional level
  • Courts of auditors on national and regional level
  • National and international agencies in charge of regional development and economic cooperation
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • Consulting companies and legal practitioners
  • Academic institutions

Course Material – No need to miss anything!

If you are unable to attend the course you may want to order all the presentations shown during the event. The price is € 249,- (excl. of VAT). If interested, please contact Laura Hoppe.


A Master Class is a high-level event for professionals and officials involved in Public Procurement. The purpose of the Master Class is to review important developments in Public Procurement case law and the decisional practice of the European Commission, assess their implications for the Member States and public authorities and to solve your problems in Public Procurement cases. Participants are encouraged to submit a summary of the problem or case they want to present for discussion in advance. This information will of course be treated confidentially.

The sessions will combine presentations, case studies and discussion on practical issues. You will have ample opportunities to present your own issues and discuss them with speakers and participants from other countries.

Review and Assessment

On the first day, you receive an expert review of the latest Court rulings and Commission decisions. Seminal judgments and decisions are analysed in depth. The analysis identifies how principles are applied in specific situations, delineates possible exceptions and draws out the implications for Public Procurement policies.

Problem Solving

The second day is devoted to cases and questions submitted by participants. Public Procurement problems and other issues from the daily practice of participants are discussed and difficulties resolved.

Best Practices

On both days, the format of this advanced small-scale Master Class enables you to consider wider issues of relevance to officials and practitioners involved in Public Procurement. You can exchange information and experience with professionals from other countries.

Course materials are available for download after the event.

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08.05.2025 - 09.05.2025, Málaga
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Oktober 2025
16.10.2025 - 17.10.2025, Brussels
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