Vergaberecht und PPP
Online Workshop |
11.05.2023 - 12.05.2023 |
Sprache: Englisch

Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement

Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement - Pictures Events 2023 14 1

The ultimate goal of public procurement is to spend public money in an efficient and proper manner to achieve best value for money. Given the economic significance of public procurement in the EU, fraud, corruption and collusion in this field dramatically harm the economy and public finances – both national and EU money. The regulatory framework to fight fraud and corruption has been strengthened with the recent EU public procurement reforms and the efforts of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

This workshop is designed to provide you with good knowledge in the legal requirements and processes of the procurement cycle in order to avoid irregularities, fraud, corruption and collusion. Furthermore, you get well trained on the various methods and tools to effectively prevent and detect fraud and corruption.

Starting from € 990,- (excl. VAT)

Falls Sie Fragen zu unseren vergangenen oder zukünftigen Veranstaltungen haben sollten, kontaktieren Sie uns unter [email protected].


Who Should Participate?

Procurement officers, anti-fraud and corruption officers, internal and external auditors, public officials responsible for the prevention of fraud and corruption as well as for risk assessment and risk management from the following institutions:

  • Public Authorities on EU, national and regional level
  • Courts of auditors on national and regional level
  • National and international agencies in charge of regional development and economic cooperation
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • Consulting companies and legal practitioners
  • Academic institutions

Course Material – No need to miss anything!

If you are unable to attend the course you may want to order all the presentations shown during the event. The price is € 249,- (excl. of VAT). If interested, please contact Laura Hoppe.


A workshop by Lexxion Publisher offers the possibility to meet with experts from Member States and EU institutions, as well as the private sector. The different perspectives of our experienced trainers will support you in applying complex rules to your practical day-to-day work. To achieve the best results, we employ a mixture of learning methods.

Our approach combines the three stages of learning to ensure that the participants obtain the best possible understanding of the applied rules:

1) Identification of the main rules and principles,
2) Appreciation of the complexities and limitation of the principles,
3) Application of the rules and principles.

The participants will be actively involved in the course. The sessions will combine presentations, case studies and discussion of practical problems. You will have ample opportunity to present your own issues and discuss them with the speakers and participants from other Member States.

You can send to us your cases and questions in advance! We will forward them to our speakers, who will include your issues in the programme and answer them during the course. All information concerning such problems and cases will be treated confidentially.

Course materials will be available to download after the event.

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