European State Aid Law

EStAL was established in 2002 by Lexxion Publisher as a high-level forum for open dialogue and reflection on State aid law and policy. Unique in its field, this double-blind peer-reviewed journal congregates a diverse array of experts: academics, judges, economists, lawyers, Commission and Member State officials, consultants and private practitioners, all find in this leading journal legal and economic analysis of the highest calibre, concise and detailed information, balanced opinions and outstanding research on State aid in the EU. Our discerning and engaged readership has counted on the expertise and acumen found in our pages to enhance their professional activities for over 15 years.

State aid has been a central concept in law and economics since the very inception of modern European integration; already present in the 1951 Paris treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, State aid control still plays a fundamental role in EU law and policy, and both internal and external markets. Together with the WTO regime, State aid in the EU is the most developed system of regulation of subsidies in the world.

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State Aid Rules for Agriculture and Forestry

24.04.2024 | Online

State Aid Rules for Agriculture and Forestry

Find out all there is to know about the revised State aid rules for the agricultural and forestry sectors. This hybrid training is the perfect opportunity to have a look at the latest developments and discuss the main changes with… more


EStAL – European State Aid Law Quarterly

Phedon Nicolaides

State Aid Uncovered Blog

Opinions by Phedon Nicolaides

On a weekly basis Phedon Nicolaides posts critical analysis pieces on the latest State aid judgments and decisions on his blog State Aid Uncovered. Each article presents the main points of a court ruling or Commission‘s decision, places them in the context of similar case law or practice, assesses the underlying reasoning, and identifies any inconsistencies or contradictions.
Occasional guest blog posts by other State aid experts complement the State aid knowledge hub.

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Events | European State Aid Law

Lexxion training was established in response to an increasing demand from European Member States for trainings with a practical approach.

Together with Prof. Phedon Nicolaides, academic director of Lexxion training, we decided to create a training center for practictioners who implement European regulations in their daily practice.

Our aim is to support public administration in the implementation of European policies on cohesion and regional economic development. This goal is achieved through practice-oriented trainings, which are designed in close cooperation with the European Commission and national authorities and run by reputable European experts. This enables us to focus on the most current European topics and to adapt our trainings to actual needs of the Member States.

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State Aid Uncovered 2023

State Aid Uncovered 2022

Milestones in State Aid Case Law 2nd Edition – EStAL’s First 20 Years in Perspective

State Aid Uncovered 2021

State Aid Uncovered 2020

State Aid Uncovered 2019

Milestones in State Aid Case Law – EStAL’s First 15 Years in Perspective

State Aid Uncovered 2018

State Aid Uncovered 2017

State Aid Uncovered 2016

State Aid Uncovered 2015

State Aid Uncovered 2014

European State Aid Law im Web

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