State Aid Law Blog

State Aid Uncovered by Prof Phedon Nicolaides

On a weekly basis Phedon Nicolaides posts critical analysis pieces on the latest State aid judgments and decisions on his blog State Aid Uncovered. Each article presents the main points of a court ruling or Commission‘s decision, places them in the context of similar case law or practice, assesses the underlying reasoning, and identifies any inconsistencies or contradictions.
Occasional guest blog posts by other State aid experts complement the State aid knowledge hub.

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Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Guest State Aid Blog ×

In Brief: Case C‑672/13, OTP Bank Nyrt v Magyar Állam, Magyar Államkincstár

A quick look at the latest ruling of the CJEU from Thursday 19th March.   In Case C‑672/13 OTP Bank the CJEU responded to preliminary ruling questions from the Hungarian Fővárosi Törvényszék relating to the categorisation of an agency agreement concluded in 2008 between the the Ministry of Local Government, the State Treasury and OTP Bank on the basis of Paragraph 24(15) of […]

In Brief: AG Opinion, Case C‑39/14 – Bodenverwertungs- und -verwaltungs GmbH (BVVG), Thomas Erbs, Ursula Erbs v Landkreis Jerichower Land

This note takes a look at the Opinion of AG Cruz Villalón, delivered on Tuesday 17th March (not available in English at the time of posting). In his 80 paragraph Opinion the AG proposed that the CJEU reply to the preliminary reference question from the German Bundesgerichtshof as follows:Article 107 TFEU should be interpreted to mean that a rule of […]

Roundup of EStAL Intensive Workshop, London

Interactive Seminar on The Role of the Market Economy Investor Principle (MEIP) | Infrastructure Funding in Compliance with State Aid Rules March 11th 2015 was a busy day for the State Aid crowd who gathered at King’s College in London for an Intensive Workshop organized by Lexxion. First of all we would like to thank all those, both speakers and participants, […]

Procedures for examining abnormally low tenders as a State aid tool? A note on Case C-568/13 Data Medical Service

A look at the Court’s ruling of 18th December 2014 and the use of abnormally low tenders in public service contracts as indicators of illegal State subsidies. This short note examines Case C-568/13 Data Medical Service on the award of public service contracts, which is particularly interesting from a State aid perspective. While stressing that there are no exclusions whatsoever – at a […]

Court’s Diary – March 2015

A look at the month ahead Got something to say about State Aid? You can get in touch with us at  Stateaidhub[at]  Thursday 05/03/2015 Judgment in Case C-667/13 Banco Privado Português and Massa Insolvente do Banco Privado Português (Court of Justice – Second Chamber)   Friday 06/03/2015 Hearing in Joined Cases T-60/06 RENV II and T-62/06 RENV II Italy v Commission, Eurallumina v Commission (General Court – First Chamber, […]

In Brief: T-135/12 and T-385/12 France v Commission and Orange v Commission

The General Court confirmed that France granted State aid compatible with the internal market to France Télécom, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Commission, and dismissed the actions.   The Press Release can be read here and the rulings (in French) here.Last Thursday 26th February the General Court gave its rulings in Cases T-135/12 and T-385/12 France v Commission and Orange v Commission. In […]

State aid to football clubs in Croatia?

GNK Dinamo Zagreb: Will the next act of the sports and State aid saga play out in the EU’s newest capital?     The spectre of EU State aid law has loomed over professional club football in Europe since the Commission’s initiation, in 2013, of in-depth investigations into five football clubs in the Netherlands (SA.33584) and seven clubs in Spain […]

In brief: C-37/14 Commission v France

On Thursday 12th February the CJEU passed down its ruling in C-37/14, finding that France did not take all necessary measures to recover aid illegally granted to the fruit and vegetable sector and thereby failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 288(4) TFEU. The full ruling is available here and the press release can be accessed here. The aid in question concerned ‘contingency plans’ […]

Court’s Diary and an invitation to get in touch!

A quick look at the month ahead in the GC/CJEU and reminder about how to get in touch with your news, views and information on how to write a post: Stateaidhub[at] Court’s Diary As we look to the month ahead, there are several State aid cases trickling through the EU Courts to watch out for. Here’s an update from the […]

Black Cabs in London Retain ‘Exclusive’ Rights to Drive in Bus Lanes

A detailed note on Case C-518/13 The Queen, on the application of Eventech Ltd v The Parking Adjudicator (judgment of 14th January 2015) An enduring feature of EU law is that it may be used in an opportunist manner in some of the lowest tribunals in the EU to create challenges to national rules and policies. This was how the Eventech case arose. […]

Guest State Aid Blog ×

In Brief: Case C‑672/13, OTP Bank Nyrt v Magyar Állam, Magyar Államkincstár

A quick look at the latest ruling of the CJEU from Thursday 19th March.   In Case C‑672/13 OTP Bank the CJEU responded to preliminary ruling questions from the Hungarian Fővárosi Törvényszék relating to the categorisation of an agency agreement concluded in 2008 between the the Ministry of Local Government, the State Treasury and OTP Bank on the basis of Paragraph 24(15) of […]

In Brief: AG Opinion, Case C‑39/14 – Bodenverwertungs- und -verwaltungs GmbH (BVVG), Thomas Erbs, Ursula Erbs v Landkreis Jerichower Land

This note takes a look at the Opinion of AG Cruz Villalón, delivered on Tuesday 17th March (not available in English at the time of posting). In his 80 paragraph Opinion the AG proposed that the CJEU reply to the preliminary reference question from the German Bundesgerichtshof as follows:Article 107 TFEU should be interpreted to mean that a rule of […]

Roundup of EStAL Intensive Workshop, London

Interactive Seminar on The Role of the Market Economy Investor Principle (MEIP) | Infrastructure Funding in Compliance with State Aid Rules March 11th 2015 was a busy day for the State Aid crowd who gathered at King’s College in London for an Intensive Workshop organized by Lexxion. First of all we would like to thank all those, both speakers and participants, […]

Procedures for examining abnormally low tenders as a State aid tool? A note on Case C-568/13 Data Medical Service

A look at the Court’s ruling of 18th December 2014 and the use of abnormally low tenders in public service contracts as indicators of illegal State subsidies. This short note examines Case C-568/13 Data Medical Service on the award of public service contracts, which is particularly interesting from a State aid perspective. While stressing that there are no exclusions whatsoever – at a […]

Court’s Diary – March 2015

A look at the month ahead Got something to say about State Aid? You can get in touch with us at  Stateaidhub[at]  Thursday 05/03/2015 Judgment in Case C-667/13 Banco Privado Português and Massa Insolvente do Banco Privado Português (Court of Justice – Second Chamber)   Friday 06/03/2015 Hearing in Joined Cases T-60/06 RENV II and T-62/06 RENV II Italy v Commission, Eurallumina v Commission (General Court – First Chamber, […]

In Brief: T-135/12 and T-385/12 France v Commission and Orange v Commission

The General Court confirmed that France granted State aid compatible with the internal market to France Télécom, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Commission, and dismissed the actions.   The Press Release can be read here and the rulings (in French) here.Last Thursday 26th February the General Court gave its rulings in Cases T-135/12 and T-385/12 France v Commission and Orange v Commission. In […]

State aid to football clubs in Croatia?

GNK Dinamo Zagreb: Will the next act of the sports and State aid saga play out in the EU’s newest capital?     The spectre of EU State aid law has loomed over professional club football in Europe since the Commission’s initiation, in 2013, of in-depth investigations into five football clubs in the Netherlands (SA.33584) and seven clubs in Spain […]

In brief: C-37/14 Commission v France

On Thursday 12th February the CJEU passed down its ruling in C-37/14, finding that France did not take all necessary measures to recover aid illegally granted to the fruit and vegetable sector and thereby failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 288(4) TFEU. The full ruling is available here and the press release can be accessed here. The aid in question concerned ‘contingency plans’ […]

Court’s Diary and an invitation to get in touch!

A quick look at the month ahead in the GC/CJEU and reminder about how to get in touch with your news, views and information on how to write a post: Stateaidhub[at] Court’s Diary As we look to the month ahead, there are several State aid cases trickling through the EU Courts to watch out for. Here’s an update from the […]

Black Cabs in London Retain ‘Exclusive’ Rights to Drive in Bus Lanes

A detailed note on Case C-518/13 The Queen, on the application of Eventech Ltd v The Parking Adjudicator (judgment of 14th January 2015) An enduring feature of EU law is that it may be used in an opportunist manner in some of the lowest tribunals in the EU to create challenges to national rules and policies. This was how the Eventech case arose. […]

Guest State Aid Blog ×

In Brief: Case C‑672/13, OTP Bank Nyrt v Magyar Állam, Magyar Államkincstár

A quick look at the latest ruling of the CJEU from Thursday 19th March.   In Case C‑672/13 OTP Bank the CJEU responded to preliminary ruling questions from the Hungarian Fővárosi Törvényszék relating to the categorisation of an agency agreement concluded in 2008 between the the Ministry of Local Government, the State Treasury and OTP Bank on the basis of Paragraph 24(15) of […]

In Brief: AG Opinion, Case C‑39/14 – Bodenverwertungs- und -verwaltungs GmbH (BVVG), Thomas Erbs, Ursula Erbs v Landkreis Jerichower Land

This note takes a look at the Opinion of AG Cruz Villalón, delivered on Tuesday 17th March (not available in English at the time of posting). In his 80 paragraph Opinion the AG proposed that the CJEU reply to the preliminary reference question from the German Bundesgerichtshof as follows:Article 107 TFEU should be interpreted to mean that a rule of […]

Roundup of EStAL Intensive Workshop, London

Interactive Seminar on The Role of the Market Economy Investor Principle (MEIP) | Infrastructure Funding in Compliance with State Aid Rules March 11th 2015 was a busy day for the State Aid crowd who gathered at King’s College in London for an Intensive Workshop organized by Lexxion. First of all we would like to thank all those, both speakers and participants, […]

Procedures for examining abnormally low tenders as a State aid tool? A note on Case C-568/13 Data Medical Service

A look at the Court’s ruling of 18th December 2014 and the use of abnormally low tenders in public service contracts as indicators of illegal State subsidies. This short note examines Case C-568/13 Data Medical Service on the award of public service contracts, which is particularly interesting from a State aid perspective. While stressing that there are no exclusions whatsoever – at a […]

Court’s Diary – March 2015

A look at the month ahead Got something to say about State Aid? You can get in touch with us at  Stateaidhub[at]  Thursday 05/03/2015 Judgment in Case C-667/13 Banco Privado Português and Massa Insolvente do Banco Privado Português (Court of Justice – Second Chamber)   Friday 06/03/2015 Hearing in Joined Cases T-60/06 RENV II and T-62/06 RENV II Italy v Commission, Eurallumina v Commission (General Court – First Chamber, […]

In Brief: T-135/12 and T-385/12 France v Commission and Orange v Commission

The General Court confirmed that France granted State aid compatible with the internal market to France Télécom, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Commission, and dismissed the actions.   The Press Release can be read here and the rulings (in French) here.Last Thursday 26th February the General Court gave its rulings in Cases T-135/12 and T-385/12 France v Commission and Orange v Commission. In […]

State aid to football clubs in Croatia?

GNK Dinamo Zagreb: Will the next act of the sports and State aid saga play out in the EU’s newest capital?     The spectre of EU State aid law has loomed over professional club football in Europe since the Commission’s initiation, in 2013, of in-depth investigations into five football clubs in the Netherlands (SA.33584) and seven clubs in Spain […]

In brief: C-37/14 Commission v France

On Thursday 12th February the CJEU passed down its ruling in C-37/14, finding that France did not take all necessary measures to recover aid illegally granted to the fruit and vegetable sector and thereby failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 288(4) TFEU. The full ruling is available here and the press release can be accessed here. The aid in question concerned ‘contingency plans’ […]

Court’s Diary and an invitation to get in touch!

A quick look at the month ahead in the GC/CJEU and reminder about how to get in touch with your news, views and information on how to write a post: Stateaidhub[at] Court’s Diary As we look to the month ahead, there are several State aid cases trickling through the EU Courts to watch out for. Here’s an update from the […]

Black Cabs in London Retain ‘Exclusive’ Rights to Drive in Bus Lanes

A detailed note on Case C-518/13 The Queen, on the application of Eventech Ltd v The Parking Adjudicator (judgment of 14th January 2015) An enduring feature of EU law is that it may be used in an opportunist manner in some of the lowest tribunals in the EU to create challenges to national rules and policies. This was how the Eventech case arose. […]

How to Submit a Blog Post

Do you want to share your analysis of a State aid law topic? We invite you to submit your post on, for example: recent European, national or international judgments or legislation with relevance to EU State aid law; new developments, publications, hot topics in EU State aid law. The recommended length of the post is 500-2,000 words incl. references (endnotes). Your analysis will be published under the category ‘Guest State Aid Blog’.

Here’s how you can publish a post on the Blog as a guest author:

Step 1: Submit your draft to Nelly Stratieva at

Step 2: We at Lexxion will review your draft to make sure its content and quality fit the blog. If needed, they will suggest what improvements you should make.

Step 3: Once your draft has been finalised and accepted, we will publish your post.

Submit your guest blog post

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