The sale of a bank through a fair, open, competitive and transparent procedure that maximises the value of the assets and liabilities is free of State aid. Introduction This week’s article returns to the theme of State aid to banks and examines a case of “precautionary” recapitalisation and a case of sale of a bank, that was linked to […]
State Aid Law
State Aid Uncovered Blog
In Lexxion’s State Aid Uncovered blog, Prof. Phedon Nicolaides publishes weekly critical analyses of recent State aid judgments and decisions. Each post presents the key points of a court judgment or EU Commission decision, places it in the context of similar case law or practice, assesses the underlying reasoning and highlights any inconsistencies or contradictions.
Guest contributions from other State aid experts will also be published on the blog at irregular intervals to complement the content of the blog posts.
2. May 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Compensation for public service obligations may be fixed at less than the net extra costs of the provider of the public service to induce it to become more efficient. Introduction Every three years the UK determines the compensation it provides to the Post Office Limited (POL) for the extra costs of the public services it provides. Commission decision […]
24. April 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Banks that receive State aid are considered to be failing banks, except when the aid is granted to solvent banks for the purpose of precautionary recapitalisation or temporary liquidity. Introduction During the past decade, large amounts of public funds have been committed to shore up failing or illiquid banks. Under current banking rules, the mere fact that a […]
17. April 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A regulatory measure may affect competition but it does not constitute State aid. Administrative changes to existing aid measures do not result in new State aid. Introduction This article reviews two Commission decisions: one concerning a Czech regulatory measure and another concerning existing aid to German social organisations. Both decisions dealt with complaints about alleged illegal State aid. […]
10. April 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Health services are not economic in nature when they are funded by the state through taxation, they are provided for free or at a nominal fee which is the same for all patients and they are available to all citizens on a universal basis and on the same terms. Introduction After the judgment of the General Court of […]
3. April 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A price below the regulated normal price confers an advantage. Competition is distorted even when the aid recipient does not expand its operations. Introduction An undertaking can obtain an advantage without receiving an outright grant. The advantage may be hidden in a contract for the supply of an essential input at reduced prices. This is the issue tackled by […]
27. March 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Publicly funded infrastructure must be made available to users at prices that correspond to its market value. Introduction When publicly-funded infrastructure is placed at the disposal of an undertaking, that undertaking must pay a market price, otherwise it derives an advantage in the meaning of Article 107(1) TFEU. But what is the market price? Is it the price […]
20. March 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A private investor never agrees to an unprofitable transaction while a private creditor may agree to a loss in order to avoid a bigger loss from non-recovery of debt owed to it. A public authority acting as a private operator must disregard any losses it may incur from State aid it granted in the past. Introduction A question […]
13. March 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
The prohibition of export aid prevents distortions in the internal market. Therefore, it cannot be considered as restricting intra-EU trade. Aid is classified as export aid only if it has a direct impact on exports. The incidental and indirect effect on exports of investment aid is not sufficient to categorise it as export aid. Introduction On 28 February 2018, […]
6. March 2018 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A large amount of State aid can still be compatible with the internal market if it meets all of the requirements of the RDI Framework. Introduction Since the coming into force of the GBER, only very few cases of R&D have been notified to the Commission. This means that it is not so obvious how the State aid […]
17. October 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
When the state acts in its capacity as legislator it is not presumed to direct the resources of undertakings it owns and over which it can exercise dominant influence as a shareholder. Introduction On 13 September 2017, the Court of Justice replied to a request from a national court to advise it on the concept of state resources [case C‑329/15, […]
10. October 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Calculating de minimis aid according to the average amount of aid received by undertakings is wrong. Introduction It appears that all Member States grant de minimis aid, even though some tend to grant it more easily than others. De minimis aid can be used to subsidise any costs, including those which are not eligible under other State aid rules. The […]
4. October 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
The Commission must open the formal investigation procedure when it has serious doubts about the compatibility of State aid. The aid that is necessary to induce a company to locate its investment in an assisted region is the amount that covers the difference in costs between the assisted region and the best alternative location. This amount is also proportional. […]
26. September 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A rational market operator can agree to arbitration if there is no reasonable prospect of a better outcome. However, a rational operator would ensure that the terms according to which an arbitration decision can be taken would be defined in advance and would not be prejudicial to the operator. Introduction Is it rational for a market operator to agree […]
19. September 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
The proxy rates in the Commission Notice on Guarantees cannot be used in cases of state guarantees that cover 100% of the underlying loans. Introduction Last week’s article reviewed the terms of the operation of regional airports in Greece. (View it here). This week’s article continues with the theme of management of public infrastructure and examines Commission decision SA.42545 on […]
12. September 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Awards of concession contracts should follow a procedure which is open, transparent, non-discriminatory and unconditional. Prices may be regulated to prevent excessive prices and profits. But, the concession fee may be adjusted to enable the concessionaire to earn a sufficient return. Introduction This article examines the link between State aid and concession agreements. In decision SA.44259, the Commission considered […]
5. September 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A private investor chooses the less costly option between selling a company at a loss and liquidating it. In addition to avoiding losses, a private investor also cares for its image, quantifies its value and factors it in the sale or liquidation option. Introduction On 6 July 2017, the General Court ruled in two closely related cases: T-74/14, France […]
29. August 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
A public authority acts like a private investor when it injects capital in a stricken bank if there is a realistic prospect of sufficient return that compensates it for the risk it bears. Introduction Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is the largest bank in Portugal and is now fully owned by the State. In June 2012, Portugal notified to […]
22. August 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
Relief from a penalty imposed by EU rules is State aid that is incompatible with the internal market. Introduction EU rules contain a standard exclusion: State aid cannot be declared compatible with the internal market when it is non-severable [i.e. cannot be separated] from a violation of EU law. Yet, cases involving non-severable violations of EU law are rare. […]
15. August 2017 |
State Aid Uncovered
by Phedon Nicolaides
State aid for banks can be granted without triggering resolution in cases of precautionary recapitalisation and liquidation. Introduction A primary objective of the European response to the financial crisis was to sever the link between troubled banks and indebted sovereign. The principle now is that if a bank needs money to meet the capital adequacy ratio required by banking […]