State Aid Law Blog

State Aid Uncovered by Prof Phedon Nicolaides

On a weekly basis Phedon Nicolaides posts critical analysis pieces on the latest State aid judgments and decisions on his blog State Aid Uncovered. Each article presents the main points of a court ruling or Commission‘s decision, places them in the context of similar case law or practice, assesses the underlying reasoning, and identifies any inconsistencies or contradictions.
Occasional guest blog posts by other State aid experts complement the State aid knowledge hub.

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Professor at Maastricht University; Professor at University of Nicosia, and Academic Director at Lexxion Training

Private Creditor and the Ability of the Debtor to Repay

There are no rules as to the promptness with which a private creditor must act in order to enforce its claims. However, a hypothetical private creditor need not demand that a debtor be declared insolvent as soon as it fails, without taking any account of its longer-term potential. Introduction When the state accepts to restructure debt owed to it or […]

Public Funding of an Energy Infrastructure Project

State aid up to 100% of the funding gap of a project can be compatible with the internal market. Introduction The European Commission approved investment aid for a Liquefied Natural Gas [LNG] terminal in Alexandroupolis in northern Greece [case SA.55526]. The project involves the following: A Floating Storage Regasification Unit [FSRU] for the storage and regasification of LNG. The construction […]

Illegal Aid Cannot be Regularised a Posteriori

A Commission decision finding non-notified aid to be compatible with the internal market cannot remedy the illegality that existed before the Commission decision. Introduction In November 2021, the General Court rejected an appeal by the recipient of illegal aid who had asked the Commission to declare the aid compatible with the internal market even though the Member State concerned had […]

How to Determine Selectivity

A measure is selective when it excludes undertakings that are equally capable of contributing to the achievement of its objectives. Introduction Since no two undertakings are exactly the same, how can it be determined whether they are in a comparable situation? Differences in their features such as size or the type of technology they use do not necessarily mean that […]

First Case of a “Private Debtor” Test?

A public authority acting as a “private debtor” tries to minimise the amount that it has to pay. Introduction In assessing whether commercial transactions between public authorities and undertakings are free of State aid, the European Commission and EU courts apply the market economy investor principle [MEIP]. In essence, this principle tests whether a public investor behaves like a private […]

An Unusual Case of a “Self Notification” of State Aid by an Aid Beneficiary

Aid beneficiaries may not “notify” State aid to the Commission. Only Member States may notify aid. Beneficiaries of non-notified aid may ask national courts to penalise the granting authorities. Introduction What should an undertaking do when it finds out that a public measure from which it has been benefitting contains State aid that has not been notified to the European […]

When Does an Amendment of an Existing Aid Make it a New Aid?

Existing aid becomes new aid if any amendment affects the assessment of its compatibility with the internal market. Introduction Member States often amend and adjust State aid measures after they are approved by the Commission. Such changes must be carried carefully because they can turn an existing aid into new aid and all new aid has to be notified to […]

Public Funding of an Undertaking in a Closed Sector

Public funding of undertakings in sectors closed to competition does not constitute State aid. A sector is closed to competition when competition on and for the market is precluded by law. Introduction Determining when State aid does not affected cross-border trade is both difficult and tricky. But there is one exception; when the sector is closed to competition. A sector […]

6th Revision of the Temporary Framework for Covid-19 State Aid

Introduction On Thursday, 18 November 2021, the European Commission adopted a sixth amendment to the Temporary Framework [TF] for State aid measures to combat covid-19. The document laying down the new amendments can be accessed here: The TF was scheduled to expire on 31 December 2021. The new amendment extends its validity to 30 June 2022. It also changes […]

Selectivity and Tax Measures

State Aid Blogs - Blog KV 46
The reference system for determining the selectivity of a tax measure must have its own logic and be autonomous and its identification depends on the content, structure and specific effects of the applicable rules. A measure that does not exclude any particular undertaking can be selective if it treats differently undertakings which are in similar situations. Introduction On 6 October […]

A Faulty Sale Procedure Can Lead to Presumption of State Aid and Annulment of a State Aid Decision

A sale of public assets cannot be presumed to be free of State aid when bidders are not treated equally. Introduction When the state sells a company it owns, there is a presumption that no State aid benefits either the buyer or the company that is sold if the sale is open transparent, non-discriminatory, unconditional and the chosen buyer is […]

Market Economy Operator Test: Timisoara Airport & Wizz Air

Public funding of activities that fall within the remit of the state does not constitute state aid. Although the presence of a credible ex ante business plan based on realistic assumptions is a strong indicator that the MEOT is satisfied, its absence does not necessarily prove that the MEOT is failed. Introduction Following a complaint by Carpatair, the European Commission […]

Pricing of Guarantees

A market guarantee premium must cover all costs assumed by the guarantor including the cost of possible default, cost of capital and the cost of administering the guarantee. Introduction Financial instruments are much in vogue. The Pan-European Guarantee Fund and to a smaller extent the Recovery and Resilience Fund are implemented through financial instruments that seek to leverage private participation. […]

Assignment of Public Service Obligations

The compensation for public service obligations may include reasonable profit and incentives for cost reduction. Introduction Member States have discretion to define services they consider to be in the general economic interest [SGEI]. However, they need to justify that definition. The Court of Justice has ruled on numerous occasions that an SGEI has “special characteristics” that set it apart from […]

Public Funding of an Undertaking in a Closed Sector

Public funding of undertaking in a closed sector [legal monopoly] does not distort competition and therefore does not constitute State aid. A legal monopoly has to conform with internal market rules. Introduction In July 2017, the Commission received a complaint by “C” [the complainant] alleging that Germany had granted State aid to two companies, RVV and Nordwasser, which supplied fresh […]

It is Difficult to Challenge a Commission Decision Opening the Formal Investigation Procedure

The assessment of the Commission in an “opening decision” is only provisional. The Commission is not required to prioritise its investigations or to extend them to anyone who may be in a similar situation. The right of non-discrimination is not violated when the Commission chooses to investigate some instead of all possible cases of State aid. An individual measure that […]

The Problem of Multiple Awards of Aid to the Undertaking and to the Same Group

Multiple awards of aid to the same undertaking are allowed as long as they cover different costs. Multiple awards of aid to the same group are allowed as long as aid does not leak from one undertaking in the group to another. Introduction In the first half of 2021, the General Court ruled in ten cases of appeal lodged by […]

When Do Legal Exemptions Constitute State Aid?

Exemption from a fine does not constitute State aid when it is based on transparent and pre-determined criteria. Infringement of EU law determines the compatibility of State aid, not the existence of State aid. Introduction An exemption from legal requirements that confers a selective advantage does not necessarily amount to State aid. In most cases, when beneficiaries are found not […]

Methods for Determining Property Value

Member States may use different methods for determining the value of property as long as they produce similar results. Introduction The base for property taxation is normally the value of the property, not size or location. The difficulty in determining the value of property is that land or buildings have no intrinsic value. It all depends on the purpose for […]

A Rare Commission Decision on an SGEI Measure that Could Have Been Exempted from Notification

A public service obligation must be imposed by an act of entrustment that describes in detail the terms of the obligation, identifies the undertaking that offers the service and lays down procedures for preventing over-compensation. Introduction The purpose of Commission Decision 2012/21 on services of general economic interest [SGEI] is, like the GBER, to exempt certain aid measures from prior […]

How to Submit a Blog Post

Do you want to share your analysis of a State aid law topic? We invite you to submit your post on, for example: recent European, national or international judgments or legislation with relevance to EU State aid law; new developments, publications, hot topics in EU State aid law. The recommended length of the post is 500-2,000 words incl. references (endnotes). Your analysis will be published under the category ‘Guest State Aid Blog’.

Here’s how you can publish a post on the Blog as a guest author:

Step 1: Submit your draft to Nelly Stratieva at

Step 2: We at Lexxion will review your draft to make sure its content and quality fit the blog. If needed, they will suggest what improvements you should make.

Step 3: Once your draft has been finalised and accepted, we will publish your post.

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