State Aid Law Blog

State Aid Uncovered Blog

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Incentive Effect of State Aid to a Large Investment Project

Introduction The Commission pays particular attention to the incentive effect of aid to large projects that are undertaken by international companies which, by definition, are mobile and can choose from many different locations where to establish their operations. Not only must the aid recipient prove, on the basis of credible evidence, that without the aid the investment would not be […]

Guest State Aid Blog ×

Incentive Effect of State Aid to a Large Investment Project

Introduction The Commission pays particular attention to the incentive effect of aid to large projects that are undertaken by international companies which, by definition, are mobile and can choose from many different locations where to establish their operations. Not only must the aid recipient prove, on the basis of credible evidence, that without the aid the investment would not be […]

Guest State Aid Blog ×

Incentive Effect of State Aid to a Large Investment Project

Introduction The Commission pays particular attention to the incentive effect of aid to large projects that are undertaken by international companies which, by definition, are mobile and can choose from many different locations where to establish their operations. Not only must the aid recipient prove, on the basis of credible evidence, that without the aid the investment would not be […]

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