Dr. Dieter Drohmann
Präsident und CEO Chemservice Group, Worms
Dr. Dieter Drohmann is a PhD in Geoscience and has more than 30 years’ experience in Regulatory Affairs, International Chemical Control Legislation and Advocacy work. Since 2007 he founded the CHEMSERVICE group of companies, a rapidly growing Regulatory Affairs consulting business acting to the chemical industry and their value chain as a technical consultant, Third-Party Representative and Only Representative. CHEMSERVICE is a founding member of the Only Representative Organization (ORO), with Dr. Dieter Drohmann being elected president. He participated in several REACH implementation groups, chaired various chemical sector groups and was involved in cross-industrial panels related to chemicals in products and articles. Dr. Dieter Drohmann is editor and co-author of the “REACH Best practice guide to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006” (C.H. Beck, Drohmann/Townsend, 2013), author of more than 40 peer reviewed papers and is a presenter at seminars, workshops and conferences in Europe, Asia and the US. In his role as ORO President, he attends ECHA’s Member State Cttee Meetings (MSC), and ECHA’s Enforcement Forum Meetings as well as RAC (Risk Assessment Committee) and CARACAL Meetings. Moreover, he is Managing Editor of the ICRL Journal – International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review.