EDPL 1/2024 – Overview of 2023 and Data Protection in Health

22The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL) is now available! In the articles section you will find: Rise of the Neuroslave, Data Protection for Genomics and Brain Data, Data Governance Redefined and Data Altruism, Personal Health Data and the Consent Challenge.

The two opinions in EDPL 1/2024 discuss Informational Power and the Origins of German Privacy Law and Privacy in Early Modern England.

The reports section features national and practitioner developments from:

Read case notes on the following judgments:


In the book reviews section of EDPL 1/2024 you find critical summaries of Data Protection, Migration and Border Control: The GDPR, the Law Enforcement Directive and Beyond by Teresa Quintel and Delimitación del derecho aplicable en el Reglamento 2016/679 by lena Rodríguez Pineau and Elisa C. Torralba Mendiola.

NEW (free): Overview 2023: Case Law of the CJEU and the ECtHR, Country Reports and Books of the Year

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