EFFL – European Food and Feed Law Review - EFFL Logo e1702558385117
  • Publication frequency bimonthly
  • approx. 80 pages
  • ISSN 1862-2720
  • eISSN 2190-8214
  • Language: English

EFFL – European Food and Feed Law Review

EFFL 1/2025 Out Now

Issue 1/2025 of the European Food and Feed Law Review is now available online!

This issue includes the following articles:

This issue’s reports section includes: a summary of the key legal requirements for operating an online food marketplace in Bulgaria; an overview of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s current focus areas for its food and feed inspection campaigns; and an analysis of Italy’s new shrinkflation law introducing mandatory labelling.

View all articles from the latest issue of EFFL here.

Interested in writing for the European Food and Feed Law Review? View our call for papers and guidelines for authors!

About EFFL

Since 2006 the European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL) serves the needs of food and feed law experts by providing a unique platform to extract, elaborate and exchange their specialist knowledge and best practices. The law journal thus unknots the growing web of national, European and international food and feed rules and regulations, which are studied in bi-monthly contributions by legal scholars, scientists and experts from other relevant disciplines.

EFFL's Editors


Andreas Meisterernst, Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte, Munich, Germany

Managing Editors

Maria Hasagic and Leonie Evans, Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte, Munich, Germany

Editorial Board

Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris, France
David Byrne, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Fausto Capelli, Collegio Europeo di Parma, Italy
Christian Grugel, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Ministerial Director (ret.)), Bonn, Germany
Christian Hauer, Schönherr Rechtsanwälte, Vienna, Austria
Alexander Keck, World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Malgorzata Korzycka, University of Warsaw, Poland
Bernd M. J. van der Meulen, European Institute for Food Law, Wageningen, Netherlands
Andreu Palou, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Executive Editor

Olive Casey, Lexxion Publisher, Berlin

EFFL's Country Correspondents

Austria Katharina Koßdorff, FIAA – Food Industries Association of Austria, Vienna
Belgium Aude Mahy, Loyens & Loeff, Brussels
Bulgaria Elena Todorova, Schoenherr, Sofia
Czech Republic Nicole Grmelová, University of Economics, Prague
Denmark Gundula Maria Kjær, Gorrissen Federspiel, Copenhagen
Finland Hanna Paloheimo, Castrén & Snellman, Helsinki
France Emily Amat, DWF (France), Paris
Germany Moritz Hagenmeyer, KROHN Rechtsanwälte, Hamburg
Greece Charis A. Chaldoupis, Chaldoupis Law Office, Athens
Ireland Ian Thomas, Ian Thomas Associates, Dublin
Italy Barbara Klaus, Rödl & Partner, Milan
Norway Marie Vaale-Hallberg, Kvale, Oslo
Poland Iwona Wrzesnieswska-Wal, Medical Postgraduate Study Centre
South Africa Cerkia Bramley, University of Pretoria, Pretoria
Spain Sebastián Romero Melchor, Food Compliance Int., Singapore
Sweden Clarissa Fröberg, Walthon Advokater AB, Stockholm
Switzerland Karola Krell Zbinden, Food Lex, Bern
Netherlands Sarah Arayess, Say Legal, Amsterdam
United Kingdom Hilary Ross, DWF LLP, London
USA Margaret Rosso Grossmann, University of Illinois, Urbana

Aims & Scope of EFFL

The purpose of EFFL is not only to generate and disseminate information related to food and feed law from relevant national, European and international sources; but also to analyse and evaluate important past and contemporary legal and policy developments in this sector.

EFFL gathers legal and scientific expertise from academia, policy and practice in and beyond the European Union, the law journal is therefore best known for offering an inclusive forum to present and ponder the collected knowledge and best practices in terms of food and feed law.

Topics covered by the journal include:

  • food fraud, safety and inspection,
  • ingredients, food additives and supplements,
  • food labelling and advertising,
  • nutritional declarations and health claims,
  • functional food and novel food,
  • food technology,
  • compliance with European and international food and feed law.

EFFL offers an intellectual forum for jurisprudence led by experts in the field of food and feed law. It addresses businesses, lawyers, academics, courts and public administration in the EU and beyond.

EFFL's Indexing & Abstract Databases

  • Ex Libris Primo Central
  • FSTA (Food Science & Technology Abstracts)
  • Google Scholar
  • HeinOnline
  • JSTOR (Journal Storage)
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • Strada Lex
  • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
  • CNPIEC (China National Publications Import and Export)

EFFL’s Structure

EFFL’s editorial board consists of members from a number of European countries, relevant international organisations and institutions; likewise EFFL benefits from the expertise of its many country correspondents across Europe and beyond. The law journal contains in-depth specialist articles scrutinising relevant legal concepts and practices; comments on recent judgments and decisions; national reports on important developments in the Member States; and references to new legislation, jurisdiction, notifications to the European Commission under Directive 2015/1535, new publications and MEP’s questions and answers.

Advertising Rates and Cooperations for EFFL

The advertising prices are valid from January 2023. Please provide the advert in a PDF-X-1a format + 3 mm bleed (without crop marks).

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Format: 207 mm width x 277 mm depth; adhesive binding
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Colour surcharges per colour 300,00
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Inserts/Supplements** 200,00 270,00 550,00
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Inserts/Supplements have to be delivered at least one week prior to publication date. Delivery address:

Schaltungsdienst Lange oHG
z.Hd. Fr. Schulz, Beilage EEFL Heft _/2024 (Please state issue number.)
Zehrensdorfer Straße 11
12277 Berlin · Germany


Schedule 2025

Issue Advertising Deadline Date of Publication
EFFL 1/2025 24.01.2025
EFFL 2/2025 21.03.2025 18.04.2025
EFFL 3/2025 23.05.2025 20.06.2025
EEFL 4/2025 25.07.2025 22.08.2025
EEFL 5/2025 19.09.2025 17.10.2025
EEFL 6/2025 21.11.2025 19.12.2025

For Authors

Events | EFFL – European Food and Feed Law Review

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