European State Aid Law
Workshop |
21.09.2023 |
Brussels |
Language: English

EStALI Workshop

EStALI Workshop - 3 1

Join the leading pan-European platform for State aid professionals and benefit from the unique chance to come together in person, discuss the latest developments in EU State aid law, and exchange ideas on how to best address the current challenges.

The intensive workshop focuses on the new GBER Guidelines and the experiences of the Member States with it. The EStALI Workshop takes place under the chairmanship of Michael Schütte and alternates short presentations by our experts with Q&A sessions. Participants thus have the opportunity to receive practical implementation tips and to be involved in discussions grounded in real-life scenarios.

Participants receive a certificate upon participation.

Participation fee: € 1500,- (excl. VAT)

Please contact if you have questions regarding our past events, or if you are interested in our upcoming events.


Who should participate?

  • Private legal practitioners
  • Representatives from public authorities on national, regional and local level
  • Representatives from public and private banks
  • Industry representatives and in-house counsels dealing with State aid law
  • Economists
  • Academics

Benefits of Attending

Join the leading State aid Community to discuss latest developments in European State aid control with acknowledged practitioners

Participate in various expert panel discussion. Interact with leading experts from the European Commission, EU Courts, national authorities, private legal practitioners, academics and industry representatives.

Course Material – No need to miss anything!

If you are unable to attend the course you may want to order all the presentations shown during the event. The price is € 199,- (excl. of VAT). If interested, please contact Camilla Coltorti.

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