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Welcome to Data Protection Insider, your biweekly digest of the latest developments in EU data protection law. Each issue brings you insightful analysis of recent court rulings, legislative updates and regulatory changes that impact data protection across the European Union. Stay informed and deepen your understanding of the evolving data protection legal landscape with our biweekly updates.

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Data Protection Insider, Issue 35

– Parfentyev v Russia: Prisons Monitoring Correspondence with the ECtHR breaches the ECHR – On 3rd November the ECtHR rendered a judgement in the Parfentyev v Russia case. According to the facts of the case, the applicant was serving a sentence for having sexually assaulted juvenile offenders when he was heading the local inspectorate for juvenile affaires. While under investigation, a […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 34

– ECtHR Rules on Archival Research and Privacy – On 13th October the ECtHR handed down its decision in Gafiuc v. Romania. The case concerned a journalist who had been granted accreditation to conduct research in the Romanian Securitate archives – the archives of the Romanian Secret Police under the Communist Regime. Such access is granted only provided an individual is […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 33

– CJEU on Bulk Transfers for National Security in Privacy International – On 6th October, the Grand Chamber of the CJEU delivered its verdict in the case of Privacy International v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Others. The case concerned the legitimacy of UK law legitimating the bulk transfer of subscribers’ traffic and location data from telecommunications […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 32

– EDPB 38th Plenary Session – On 14th September, the EDPB held its 38th Plenary Session. There have been no official announcements concerning the proceedings or outcomes of the session on the EDPB’s website. The agenda for the session, however, indicates the following significant matters, amongst others, were discussed: ‘Information regarding the exchange of views with the LIBE Committee on the […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 31

– EDPB 37th Plenary Session – On 2nd September the EDPB held its 37th Plenary Session, during which it adopted two important documents: Guidelines on the concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR – analysed below Guidelines on the targeting of social media users. Both documents are already publicly available on the EDPB website and are open to public consultation. […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 30

– EDPB Handles First Dispute Resolution Case – The Irish DPC has triggered, for the first time, the dispute resolution mechanism under Article 65 GDPR. The case concerns the Irish DPC’s investigation into, and decision on, a data security breach by Twitter – for which it acts as a lead supervisory authority. As a matter of substance, the disagreement seems to […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 29

– EDPB Issues Five Documents – During its 34-36th Plenary Sessions, the EDPB adopted five new documents: Statement on the Court of Justice of the European Union Judgment in Case C-311/18 – Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland and Maximillian Schrems. Guidelines 06/2020 on the interplay of the Second Payment Services Directive and the GDPR – version for public consultation. Letter […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 28

– CJEU Strikes down Privacy Shield in Schrems II – On 16th July, the CJEU handed down its much-awaited decision in Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook Ireland Ltd, Maximillian Schrems (Shrems II). Basically, the case dealt with whether Facebook could use the SCC mechanism to transfer personal data to the US, despite the fact that US law foresees extensive possibilities for […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 27

– ECtHR Rules on Data Processing and Religion – On 25th June, the ECtHR ruled in the case of Stavropoulos and others v. Greece. The facts of the case were as follows: the applicants registered the birth of their child at a registry office in Greece. The registry office noted, alongside the name of their child, the word ‘naming’. The term […]

Data Protection Insider, Issue 26

– ECtHR Rules on Retention of Personal Data for Law-Enforcement Purposes – On 11th June, the ECtHR issued its ruling in the P.N. v Germany case, concerning the collection and storage of personal data for law enforcement purposes. According to the facts of the case, the applicant had been charged with, and convicted several times of, different types of crimes. Because […]
DPI Editorial Team

Dara Hallinan, Editor: Legal academic working at FIZ Karlsruhe. His specific focus is on the interaction between law, new technologies – particularly ICT and biotech – and society. He studied law in the UK and Germany, completed a Master’s in Human Rights and Democracy in Italy and Estonia and wrote his PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on the better regulation of genetic privacy in biobanks and genomic research through data protection law. He is also programme director for the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference.

Diana Dimitrova, Editor: Researcher at FIZ Karlsruhe. Focus on privacy and data protection, especially on rights of data subjects in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Completed her PhD at the VUB on the topic of ‘Data Subject Rights: The rights of access and rectification in the AFSJ’. Previously, legal researcher at KU Leuven and trainee at EDPS. Holds LL.M. in European Law from Leiden University.

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