CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 11/2021

Climate law insider #11 is out now. The issue features contributions on :

  • UN Environment Publishes New Emissions Gap Report Ahead of COP26
  • UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Dismisses Highly-Anticipated Climate Decision
  • COP26 – Struggling to Keep 1.5°C Narratives Alive
  • Nothing is Agreed Until Everything is Agreed – Last Minute Political Turmoil About Coal
  • Details on the Governance of Article 6 Signals the Paris Rulebook’s Completeness
  • Loss and Damage Concerns Are Fleshed Out in COP26 Decisions

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CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 10/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 9/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 8/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 7/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 6/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 5/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 4/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 3/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 2/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 1/2021

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 3/2020

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 2/2020

CLIMATE LAW INSIDER Newsletter 1/2020

Felix Schenuit

Felix Schenuit is a PhD candidate at Center for Sustainable Society Research and the Cluster of Excellence CLICCS at University of Hamburg. He studied political management, public policy and public administration at NRW School of Governance and Sciences Po Lille. Before starting his PhD he was a research assistant at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. His research focuses on multilateral and EU climate policy, EU integration and carbon dioxide removal.

Twitter: @FelixSchenuit Email:

Anne Kling

Anne is a fully qualified lawyer who currently works as research associate and PhD candidate at the Research Center for European Environmental Law at the University Bremen. Her main focus of interest lays in climate change litigation. She studied law at Humboldt-University in Berlin and King’s College London and was a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School.


Juan G. Auz

Juan Auz is an Ecuadorian lawyer and a PhD researcher at the Hertie School’s Centre for Fundamental Rights in Berlin. Previously, he was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Juan worked many years on indigenous peoples’ rights in Amazonia and obtained his LL.B. from Universidad de las Americas and LL.M. in Global Environment and Climate Change Law from the University of Edinburgh.


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