“Take a walk on the Bridge of Sighs, let it inspire you in the fight against fraud and corruption” says Jo Kremers, former Senior Audit Manager of the Dutch Ministry of Finance. Following this recommendation, we go to Venice for a highly interactive course that aims to build the capacity of EU Funds Authorities to prevent, detect and combat fraud and corruption at different stages.
Relying on his extensive experience in fraud investigation for the private and public sectors, Jo Kremers will engage the participants in an on-the-spot investigation in the city of canals.
Let us build the future together by ensuring that subsidies, loans and other facilities are invested effectively in respect of legal requirements and by paving the path to a climate neutral, sustainable and resilient Europe.
Join us in Venice for a unique learning experience!
Participants receive a certificate upon participation.
Starting from € 3.480,- (excl. VAT)
+++ Group discounts are available! +++
+++ Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any budget restrictions: we will be happy to find a solution together! +++