EStAL – European State Aid Law Quarterly - Zeitschriften Logo ESTAL
  • Publication frequency quarterly
  • approx. 100 pages
  • ISSN 1619-5272
  • eISSN 1619-5272
  • Language: English

EStAL – European State Aid Law Quarterly

EStAL 4/2024 Out Now

Issue 4 of EStAL 2024 is now available online!

Read the Editorial by Leigh Hancher: Delivering Competitiveness in the EU

This issue features the following Articles:

Progressive Taxes in Special Sectors: Awaiting Judgment Day? by Viktor Kreuschitz

State Aid in Recent Times of Crisis: EU Regulation Dynamics and Member States’ Roles by Zoran Vaupot and Mario Plešej

The Effects of COVID-19 State Aid on SMEs: A Firm-Level Impact Evaluation by Lara Fernández Vilchez

The issue also includes the opinion piece The Apple Judgment of the Court of Justice: What is New? What is Next? by Juan Jorge Piernas López and Lorena Tristante Pellicer

as well as Case Law Annotations and News from the Member States.


Become an author for EStAL and view our Call for Papers.

About EStAL

The European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL) was launched in 2002 as the first pan-European journal dedicated solely to State aid law and policy. Since then the journal has been known for closely monitoring the reforms, changes and overall developments in the world of State aid and subsidies in the EU, becoming the primary point of reference for policy-makers, practitioners and academics.

EStAL's Editors

Managing Editors

Caroline Buts, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
Maria Segura, Clayton & Segura State Aid Lawyers, Brussels, Belgium

Editorial Board

Andreas Bartosch, Bartosch EU – Law, Brussels, Belgium
Andrea Biondi, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
José Luis Buendía Sierra, Legal Service of the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Rose D’Sa, Formerly European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, Belgium
Leo Flynn, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Leigh Hancher, Tilburg University, European University Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Michael Honoré, Michael Honoré Law, Copenhagen, Denmark
Thomas Jaeger, University of Vienna, Austria
Christian Koenig, Center for European Integration Studies, Bonn, Germany
Koen Lenaerts, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Claire Micheau, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Phedon Nicolaides, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus and Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Michael Schütte, Schütte Law, Brussels, Belgium
Vincent Verouden, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

Associate Editor

Małgorzata Cyndecka, University of Bergen, Norway

Book Reviews Editor

Udo Woll, Deutsche Bahn, Berlin, Germany

Executive Editor

Morgan Soares-Astbury, Lexxion Publisher, Berlin

EStAL's Country Correspondents

Austria Birgit Haslinger, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
Belgium Wout De Cock, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
Croatia Marijana Liszt, Liszt & Partners, Zagreb
Denmark Michael Honoré, Honoré & Fallesen Advokatfirma, Copenhagen
EFTA States and EFTA Community Maria J. Segura and Marianne Clayton, Clayton & Segura, Brussels
Estonia, Latvia  Daiga Lagzdiņa, Ardenis Ltd., Riga
Finland Ilkka Aalto-Setälä, Borenius Attorneys Ltd, Helsinki
Germany Benjamin Linke, Deutsche Bahn, Berlin
Greece Antonis Metaxas, Metaxas & Associates, Athens
Hungary Anikó Keller, Szecskay, Budapest
Ireland Christopher McMahon, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Italy Sara Gobbato, CRCLEX, Milan-Padua
Luxembourg Marko Trstenjak, University of Vienna, Vienna
Poland Przemysław Kamil Rosiak, Wierzbowski & Partners, Warsaw
Portugal Philipp Melcher, MLGTS & Associados, Lisbon
Romania Sorina Doroga, West University of Timișoara, Timișoara
Slovakia Peter Hodál, Hillbridges, Bratislava
Slovenia Marko Trstenjak, University of Vienna, Vienna
Spain Juan Jorge Piernas López, University of Murcia
Sweden Pamela Hansson, Kastell Advokatbyrå, Stockholm
The Netherlands Emma Besselink, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
United Kingdom George Peretz, Monckton Chambers, London

Aims & Scope of EStAL

EStAL has developed into the most prominent platform to exchange expertise on European State aid law, economics and policy. Our high standards of publication have helped to establish a significant European State aid expert community including academics, policy-makers and practitioners.

EStAL covers all areas pertaining to EU State aid and subsidies, among others:

  • The evolution of the concept of State aid;
  • State aid Modernization;
  • Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI);
  • General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER);
  • Judicial review of Commission Decisions;
  • Economic assessment and evaluation;
  • Enforcement at national level;
  • Sectoral aid and guidelines.

To guarantee EStAL’s high-quality standards, all submissions are required to conform to our author guidelines.

EStAL’s Target Audience

EStAL’s philosophy is to serve as an inclusive forum for dialogue and reflection reserved for all academics, officials from European and national institutions and private practitioners dealing with European State aid law and policy. We apply this philosophy in the composition of the Editorial Board and choice of country correspondents, which is reflected as well in the diversity of contributing authors and EStAL’s readership.

EStAL's Structure

EStAL provides a comprehensive mix of formats that give a 360-view of the EU State aid legal framework. Research articles explore topics in depth, to the highest standard of academic excellence. The country reports in the section ‘News form the Member States’ contain shorter, up-to-date news regarding State aid developments in the EU, the EEA and the EU candidate countries. The case annotations in EStAL are the best way for readers to stay informed on the relevant judgments of the EU and EFTA Courts, as well as on most important European Commission decisions. Book reviews, opinion pieces and event reports complete the journal’s knowledge offer.

EStAL's Indexing & Abstract Databases

  • Ex Libris Primo Central
  • Google Scholar
  • HeinOnline
  • JSTOR (Journal Storage)
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • Strada Lex
  • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
  • CNPIEC (China National Publications Import and Export)
  • ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale Di Valutazione Del Sistema Universitario E Della Ricerca)

Advertising Rates and Cooperations

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Schaltungsdienst Lange oHG
z.Hd. Fr. Schulz, Beilage EStAL Heft _/2025 (Please state issue number.)
Zehrensdorfer Straße 11
12277 Berlin · Germany


Schedule 2025

Issue Date of Publication Advertising Deadline
EStAL 1/2025 07.03.2025 14.02.2025
EStAL 2/2025 17.06.2025 27.05.2025
EStAL 3/2025 16.09.2025 26.08.2025
EStAL 4/2025 12.12.2025 21.11.2025

(Changes excepted.)

For Authors

Events | EStAL – European State Aid Law Quarterly

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