The diversity of topics in the final edition of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe) for 2018 is representative of the wide-ranging issues in the world of EU competition law over the past year. In CoRe 4/2018 you can find articles on: the SSNIP Test and Zero-Pricing where Daniel Mandrescu examines the complexities of defining the relevant market in (future) cases involving online platforms; András Tóth discusses how national competition authorities can more easily and rapidly adapt to a fast-changing world; and in Hospital Mergers and the Incorporation of Non-Competition Concerns, Nicole Rosenboom explores how public interest concerns such as affordability, quality of care, and access to care can be taken into account in the assessment of hospital mergers.
Also in this issue: report on the new European Commission proposal for a Directive on Unfair Practices in the Food Supply Chain, national updates from Belgium, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden, and an insightful analysis of the General Court’s judgment in T-419/14 Goldman Sachs.
Have a glance at the table of content or visit our Webshop.
“The SSNIP Test and Zero-Pricing Strategies: Considerations for Online Platforms”
by Daniel Mandrescu
“Hospital Mergers and the Incorporation of Non-Competition Concerns”
by Nicole Rosenboom
“Ireland ∙ New Merger Control Reporting Thresholds”
by Ronan Dunne
“T-419/14 Goldman Sachs: Expanding the Application of Parental Liability in EU Competition Law to Investment Firms”
by Dimitris Vallindas and Ciara Barbu-O’Connor