Interview at the Sidelines of CoRe’s Competition Law Conference ‘Does Competition Law Need an Update for Online Markets?’
In November 2017, the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), together with the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) hosted the competition law conference ‘Does Competition Law Need an Update for Online Markets? – Hot Topics, Trends and Perspectives in Competition Policy’.
Check out the video for an impression of the event and an interview with the Director of Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), Justus Haucap. He explains, among other things, why the trending phrase that “consumers are paying with data” is a bad analogy.
Mr Haucap was one of many distinguished experts to speak at the event, including Nicolas Petit (University of Liege), Thomas Kramler (European Commission), Alfonso Lamadrid de Pablo (Garrigues), Carel Maske (Microsoft) and Marianela López-Galdos (CCIA, Washington DC).
Among the topics discussed at the 2017 CoRe conference were:
- Enforcing the Rules in Internet Markets – Challenges and Complexities
- The Future of E-Commerce – What Follows from the E-Commerce Sector Inquiry and Relevant Cases?
- Neutrality, Equal Treatment and Fairness – New ‘Gold Standards’ under Article 102 TFEU?
- Current Hot Topics: Algorithms, Big Data and Privacy – Should these be Competition Concerns at all?
Missed this conference but you find the nexus between competition law and the digital economy interesting? Or you joined us last time and you’d like to know how these hot topics have developed? Join us in Autumn 2018 in Brussels for the next edition of CoRe’s conference on competition law and regulation in the digital markets. Follow the CoRe Blog to get immediate updates on this planned event.