Manon Ombredane
Associate, EU Regulatory, Competition and Trade, Fieldfisher Brussels
Manon’s practice focuses on EU regulatory and environmental law including REACH, biocides, pesticides and food improvement agents (food additives, food enzymes, flavourings, etc.). She is involved with task force management, litigation and product compliance
Prior to joining Fieldfisher, Manon worked at an international law firm on issues related to feed and food law such as labelling, claims
(e.g. health and nutrition claims, natural claims). Manon also worked on authorization dossiers (novel food, flavourings, food
additives, and food enzymes) or notification dossiers (e.g. food supplements) as well as on regulatory issues surrounding cannabisand
hemp-based products, including cannabidiol (CBD) and related cannabinoids.
Manon has a master degree in Economic and Social Law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and a Master degree in Economic Law
with a specialization in Agri-Food Law from the Université de Nantes.
She is a native French speaker and speaks English fluently.