Francesco Loiero
Expert on Structural Funds, use and control of the Simplified Cost Options, Rome, Italy
Expert on Structural funds, in-depth knowledge of implementation and control of Operational Programmes.
Francesco supported the Italian National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (Plans for Administrative Reinforcement (PRA)’s Technical Secretariat) to the coordination of 30 National and Regional Administrations owners of Operational Programmes, aimed at devising the new structure of the Plans, implementation, monitoring and interaction with European Commission services.
The Plans for Administrative Reinforcement (PRA) are Italian innovative instruments devised to enhance capacity building and structural change in the functioning of Public Administration in the management of ESI Funds; the National Technical Secretariat is responsible for the national governance of the PRA’s.
He gave his support to the control activities of the 2007-2013 NOP Governance and Technical Assistance First-Level Control Unit, owned by the Italian National Agency for Territorial Cohesion.
He offered his expertise to support the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) in the management and implementation of the “Education” 2014-2020 National Operational Programme (use and control of SCOs included). Perform community controls related to public notices financed through the Operational Programme.