28.11.2024 - 29.11.2024 | Berlin

Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2024

Auf den Berliner Abfallrechtstagen informieren führende Experten des deutschen und europäischen Abfallrechts über aktuelle Entwicklungen und die neueste Rechtsprechung im Kreislaufwirtschaftsrecht. Wie in den Vorjahren erwartet die Teilnehmer auch dieses Mal ein vielseitiges Programm mit zahlreichen interessanten Vorträgen zu den

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Im Schlaglicht

Friedrich Meinecke. Vernunftrepublikaner aus Überzeugung
Band 1, Friedrich Meinecke: Dokumente zur Vereinigung verfassungstreuer Hochschullehrer 1926-1933

Herausgegeben von Stefan Meineke und Bernd Sösemann

Mehr erfahren!

Lexxion ist ein unabhängiger Fachverlag, Konferenzveranstalter und Weiterbildungsanbieter in Berlin mit den Schwerpunkten Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Chemikalienrecht im deutschsprachigen Raum sowie EU-Wettbewerbsrecht, Datenschutzrecht und Strukturfonds auf europäischer Ebene. Das Familienunternehmen bietet Fachzeitschriften, Konferenzen, Workshops und Buchreihen an. Durch ein Netzwerk renommierter Experten und die Zusammenarbeit mit europäischen und nationalen Behörden sowie akademischen Einrichtungen liefert Lexxion hochwertige Inhalte und trägt zur Diskussionskultur und Vernetzung in Europa bei.

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Alle Veranstaltungen
17.10.2024 - 18.10.2024 | Brussels
18th European Food and Feed Law Conference - Pictures Events 2023 55
REACH, Lebensmittel- und Pharmarecht

18th European Food and Feed Law Conference

The EFFL Conference is an established annual event organised under the auspices of the European Food and Feed Law Review, bringing together experts from both public and private sectors. Renowned experts from the European Commission, food industry, private practice and academia will provide you with in-depth knowledge on the recent...
24.10.2024 - 25.10.2024 | Online
What to know about the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) - Pictures Events 2023 95
Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds

What to know about the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

We are very pleased to announce a workshop specifically designed for countries seeking EU membership. Replacing earlier assistance programs, the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) provides financial and technical support and helps these countries align with EU standards in areas such as institution building, socio-economic development, governance reforms, infrastructure, and adopting...
07.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 | Athens
State Aid for R&D&I - Pictures Events 2023 79
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht

State Aid for R&D&I

Dive into the dynamic world of research, development, and innovation (R&D&I) as our experts explain State aid compliance. Discover the intricacies of the GBER and State aid framework, enriched with insights from Member States' experiences and the latest Case law developments. Elevate your understanding and ensure your R&D&I projects soar...
07.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 | Athens
Working with AMIF, ISF and BMVI: How to Improve Migration Management and Cross-Border Cooperation - Pictures Events 2023 89
Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds

Working with AMIF, ISF and BMVI: How to Improve Migration Management and Cross-Border Cooperation

This workshop is designed to enhance participants' understanding of the implementation of three critical funding instruments: the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the Internal Security Fund (ISF), and the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI). Given the intricate and evolving nature of Europe-wide migration and immigration challenges, these funds...
13.11.2024 - 15.11.2024 | Rome
Anti-Fraud and Corruption Game: Whistleblowing in the EU - Pictures Events 202350
Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Game: Whistleblowing in the EU

This course will center on the anti-fraud cycle and whistleblowing authorities in Europe, with a special emphasis on the practical experience in Italy and its involvement in the Network of European Integrity. Guided by our anti-fraud expert Jo Kremers, participants will gain insights into the whistleblowing mechanisms in EU Member...
21.11.2024 | Brussels
EStALI-Workshop: Regional Aid for Productive Investments and State Aid in the Energy Sector - Pictures Events 2023 92
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht

EStALI-Workshop: Regional Aid for Productive Investments and State Aid in the Energy Sector

Join the leading pan-European platform for State aid professionals and benefit from the unique chance to come together in person, discuss the latest developments in EU State aid law, and exchange ideas on how to best address the current challenges. The intensive workshop focuses on the new GBER Guidelines and...
22.11.2024 | Brussels
EStALI Conference - Pictures Events 2023 91
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht

EStALI Conference

Join the leading pan-European platform for State aid professionals and benefit from the unique chance to come together in person, discuss the latest developments in EU State aid law, the most recent case laws and exchange ideas on how to best address the current challenges. The conference provides participants with...
25.11.2024 - 26.11.2024 | Prague
Innovative Approaches to Risk Analysis and Verification in ESI Funds - Pictures Events 2023 88
Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds

Innovative Approaches to Risk Analysis and Verification in ESI Funds

This workshop aims to explore new methodologies and tools for enhancing risk management and verification processes in European Structural Funds. In order to ensure optimal outcomes and mitigate potential risks, it is important to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of fund allocation and usage. With the guidance of our...
27.11.2024 - 29.11.2024 | Paris
State Aid from A to Z - Pictures Events 2023 81
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht

State Aid from A to Z

Improve your State aid knowledge with our hybrid training in Paris! Learn the basics of State aid regulations and build your practical 'toolbox' for seamless State aid assessment and market-compatible public measures designs. Dive into expert presentations enhanced with hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and engaging case studies for an immersive...
28.11.2024 - 29.11.2024 | Berlin
Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2024 - Pictures Events 2023 84
Abfall- und Umweltrecht

Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2024

Auf den Berliner Abfallrechtstagen informieren führende Experten des deutschen und europäischen Abfallrechts über aktuelle Entwicklungen und die neueste Rechtsprechung im Kreislaufwirtschaftsrecht. Wie in den Vorjahren erwartet die Teilnehmer auch dieses Mal ein vielseitiges Programm mit zahlreichen interessanten Vorträgen zu den aktuellsten Fragestellungen des Rechtsgebietes. Im Anschluss an die Fachvorträge erhalten...
09.12.2024 - 10.12.2024 | Budapest
Financial Management of EU Funds - Pictures Events 2023 87
Europäische Struktur- und Investitionsfonds

Financial Management of EU Funds

This workshop is designed to give participants a comprehensive understanding of the financial regulations, instruments, procedures, and best practices essential for managing EU funds effectively in the current 2021-2027 programming period. Through case studies and interactive discussions, participants will enhance their skills in financial management, exploring budget planning, financial reporting,...
12.12.2024 - 13.12.2024 | Berlin
Winter Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides - Pictures Events 2023 80
Europäisches Beihilfenrecht

Winter Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides

Uncover everything there is to know about State Aid with our key expert Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides! Join us in Berlin for an intensive masterclass where you'll delve deep into the latest Court rulings and Commission decisions. Gain invaluable insights into the application of principles, uncover exceptions, and learn about...
30.01.2025 | Frankfurt
Chemierechtstag 2025 – REACH, Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis - Pictures Events 2023 13
REACH, Lebensmittel- und Pharmarecht

Chemierechtstag 2025 – REACH, Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis

In Kooperation mit dem Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) laden wir Sie herzlich zum Chemierechtstag 2025 ein. Experten aus Behörden, Industrie und Anwaltschaft analysieren und diskutieren aktuelle Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis der REACH-Verordnung und klären Rechtsfragen und Anforderungen an Unternehmen. Diverse Diskussionsrunden bieten den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, sich...

Neues aus der Redaktion

Alle Zeitschriften
04. Okt 2024

EStAL 3/2024 Out Now

Issue 3 of EStAL 2024 is now available online! This issue features the following Articles: […]

04. Okt 2024

AIRe 3/2024 – Time to Operationalise the Governance Frameworks on AI

Issue 3/2024 of the Journal of AI Law and Regulation (AIRe) has been published! We […]

04. Okt 2024

UWP 3/2024 jetzt verfügbar

Die vorliegende Ausgabe beginnt mit einem „Paukenschlag aus der Praxis“. Ulrich Stock, der als Behördenvertreter […]

25. Sep 2024

CoRe 3/2024 Out Now

Issue 3 of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review – CoRe is now online! […]

05. Sep 2024

StoffR 3/2024 jetzt verfügbar

Der Begriff „besorgniserregende Stoffe“ ist in der EU-Chemikalienpolitik nicht neu. Allerdings wird mit der neuen […]

24. Sep 2024

EurUP 3/2024 jetzt verfügbar

Den Auftakt der aktuellen Ausgabe 3/24 bildet Römling mit seinem Beitrag „Die Novelle der Erneuerbare […]

16. Sep 2024

AbfallR 4/2024 jetzt verfügbar

Bis heute ist es nicht wirklich gelungen, dem Verpackungsabfallaufkommen mit abfallrechtlichen Mitteln wirksam zu begegnen […]

16. Sep 2024

CCLR 2/2024 Out Now

Issue 2/2024 of the Carbon and Climate Law Review is out now. The issue features […]

22. Aug 2024

EFFL 4/2024 Out Now

Issue 4/2024 of the European Food and Feed Law Review is now available! This issue […]

29. Jul 2024

EDPL 2/2024 – Young Scholar Award, Biomertics and More

Issue 2/2024 of the European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL) is now out! In the articles […]

05. Jul 2024

EPPPL 2/2024

Issue 2/2024 of the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review (EPPPL) is now […]

16. Mai 2023

ICRL 1/2024 Out Now

Issue 1/2024 of the International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review is out now! This issue […]

30. Apr 2024

EHPL 4/2023 Out Now

The fourth issue of the European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review in 2023 is now […]

Jüngste Blogbeiträge

Alle Blogs
15. Okt 2024
State Aid Blog

Revenue from a Compulsory Charge Is a State Resource

Introduction On 26 September 2024, the Court of Justice [CJEU] delivered four judgments in four […]

10. Okt 2024
Data Protection Insider

Data Protection Insider, Issue 119

-CJEU: Administrative Fines Not Obligatory when GDPR is Infringed- On 26th September, the CJEU ruled […]

08. Okt 2024
State Aid Blog

Who is “Interested Party” that Can Challenge a Commission Decision and when Must the Commission Open the Formal Investigation Procedure

Introduction On 5 September 2024, the Court of Justice of the EU [CJEU] delivered two […]

01. Okt 2024
State Aid Blog

State Aid to the Operator of a Legal Monopoly

Introduction In some Member States, the provision of potable water to households is a “closed” […]

26. Sep 2024
Data Protection Insider

Data Protection Insider, Issue 118

-CJEU Rules on Disclose of Shareholder Data- On 12th September, the CJEU ruled in the […]

25. Sep 2024
State Aid Blog

The Cumulation of State Aid Granted by Different Member States — The Landwärme Case

Guest State Aid Blog by Professor Leigh Hancher, Nicole Robins and Dr Philipp Schliffke[1] 1 […]

24. Sep 2024
State Aid Blog

Calculation of the Funding Gap of an Infrastructure Project that May also Benefit from Future Public Funding

Introduction The Commission recently approved State aid granted by Czech Republic for the construction of […]

17. Sep 2024
State Aid Blog

Although Member States Are Free to Determine their Tax Systems, they Must still Conform with State Aid Rules

Introduction On 10 September 2024, the Court of Justice [CJEU] delivered its much anticipated judgment, […]

12. Sep 2024
Data Protection Insider

Data Protection Insider, Issue 117

–AG de la Tour: High Number of Complaints Does Not Make Them Automatically ‘Excessive’- On […]

10. Sep 2024
State Aid Blog

Compensation for Switching to a New Broadcasting Frequency

Introduction Normally the cost of compliance with mandatory regulations may not be offset, partially or […]